The Number One Gym in Marietta is doing a January Sale! 50% off your first month in January and February!
Current members get 50% off Feb if they refer a friend in Jan! They only need to mention your name at sign up! Please share! Chris Pucella has joined our staff and as a result we have added a new Monday 630 pm adult class and a Wed 630 pm Kids Class that he will run! Piercing CrossFit has won the Marietta Readers Choice Award for Best Place to Exercise! Workout of the Day
With a partner, complete as many rounds as possible in 26 minutes of: 6 deadlifts, 315 lb., each 9 bar-facing burpees, synchronized 9 bar muscle-ups, each 55-ft. partner barbell carry, 315 lb. Post rounds completed to comments. Operator Cpl. Kevin van de Rijdt, 26, of the Netherlands, died Sept. 6, 2009, during heavy combat in Afghanistan. He was a member of Special Forces (Korps Commando Troepen) Task Force 55 within the Netherlands Armed Forces. Van de Rijdt was an avid CrossFit athlete and instructor in Venlo, Netherlands. His favorite movements included deadlifts, bar muscle-ups and partner bar-facing burpees. He is survived by his father, Paul; his mother, Karin; his sister, Wendy; his godchild; and many colleagues and friends. 8/30/17 WOD
1) 15 min to beat Last Week Snatch High Pull + Hang Squat Snatch + OH Squat 2) "Hall" 5 Rounds For Time 3 Cleans 225/155 200m Sprint 20 Alt KB Snatch 53/35 Hall is designed to have 2 min breaks between rounds. There will be no breaks in todays workout 8/18/17 WOD
1) Back Squat Heavy Double 2) Partner "Moore" 20 min AMRAP 1 Rope Climb Run 400m Max HSPU 8/14/17 WOD
1) Squat Clean Heavy Double 2) 9 min AMRAP 9 Deadlifts 185/135 9 Chest to Bars 9 HSPU 7/26/17 WOD
1) 3 Rounds for Time of 400m Run 9 Clean and Jerks 135/95 Rest 5 min 2) 3 Rounds for Time of 400m Run 6 Clean and Jerks 185/125 Rest 5 Min 3) 3 Rounds for Time of 400m Run 3 Clean and Jerks 225/155 7/18/17 WOD
1) Wtd. Pull Up 2RM 2) "Jackie" For Time 1000m Row 50 Thrusters 45/35 30 Pull Ups 7/14/17 WOD
1) Wtd. Pull Up 3RM 2) For Time 5 Muscle Ups 100 Dubs 4 Muscle Ups 80 Dubs 3 Muscle Ups 60 Dubs 2 Muscle Ups 40 Dubs 1 Muscle Up 20 Dubs 7/11/17 WOD
Partner Workout 1) For Time 800m Run 50 Wall Balls 20/14 50 Pull Ups 50 Burpees 100/80 Cal Row 50 Burpees 50 Pull Ups 50 Wall Balls 800m Run 7/10/17 WOD
Dallas 5 5 minutes of: Burpees Then, 5 minutes of: 7 deadlifts, 155 lb. 7 box jumps, 24-in. box Then, 5 minutes of: Turkish get-ups, 40-lb. dumbbell Then, 5 minutes of: 7 snatches, 75 lb. 7 push-ups Then, 5 minutes of: Rowing (calories) Complete as many reps as possible at each 5-minute station. Rest 1 minute between stations. Post reps for each station to comments. On July 7, 2016, a sniper coordinated an ambush on a group of police officers in Dallas, Texas. Dallas 5 commemorates the five officers who lost their lives in the attack. Dallas Police Officer Patricio “Patrick” Zamarripa, 33, was a member of the force for six years and served active duty with the U.S. Navy for eight years and in the reserves for five. He is survived by his wife, Kristy, and daughter, Lyncoln Rae. Dallas Police Senior Corporal Lorne Ahrens, 48, was a longtime member of the force. He served with the Los Angeles Police Department for 10 years before moving to Texas and joining the Dallas Police Department in 2002. He is survived by his wife, Katrina, and children, Sorcha and Magnus. Dallas Police Officer Michael Krol, 40, was an eight-year veteran of the Dallas Police Department and a dedicated member of the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office in Detroit, Michigan, before that. He is survived by numerous friends and family members. Dallas Police Sergeant Michael Smith, 55, served as a U.S. Army Ranger before joining the police force in 1989. The 27-year veteran of the force is survived by his wife, Heidi, and daughters, Victoria and Caroline. Dallas Area Rapid Transit Officer Brent Thompson, 43, served in the Marine Corps before joining the Corsicana Police Department and then the Dallas Police. He is survived by his wife, Emily, and many other friends and family members 7/7/17 WOD
1) "White" 5 Rounds for Time 3 Rope Climb 10 Toes to Bar 21 OH Walking Lunge 45/25 400m Run U.S. Army First Lieutenant Ashley White, 24, of Alliance, Ohio, assigned to the 230th Brigade Support Battalion, 30th Heavy Brigade Combat Team, North Carolina National Guard, based in Goldsboro, North Carolina, died on October 22, 2011 in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, from wounds suffered when insurgents attacked her unit with an improvised explosive device. She is survived by her husband Captain Jason Stumpf, her parents Robert and Deborah, brother Josh, and sister Brittney. 7/6/17 WOD
1) Front Squat 1RM 2) 12 min AMRAP 9 DB Deadlifts 60/40 6 Burpees 3 DB Power Cleans 60/40 6/30/17 WOD
1) Isabel 30 Snatches for Time 135/95 2) Grace 30 Clean and Jerks for Time 135/95 6/29/17 WOD
1) "Angie" For Time 100 Pull Ups 100 Push Ups 100 Ab Mat Sit Ups 100 Air Squats 6/27/17 WOD
1) Front Squat 1RM 2) "Fran" 21-15-9 Thrusters 95/65 Pull Up 6/23/17 WOD
1) Hang Squat Snatch 1RM 2) 3 Rounds for Time 25 Front Rack Lunge 115/75 50 Dubs 25 Push Ups 6/22/17 WOD
1) Cleand Jerk 1RM 2) For Time 15 Clean and Jerks 135/95 30/25 Cal Row 15 Clean and Jerks 135/95 6/21/17 WOD
Cameron For time: 50 walking lunge steps 25 chest-to-bar pull-ups 50 box jumps, 24-in. box 25 triple-unders 50 back extensions 25 ring dips 50 knees-to-elbows 25 wall-ball "2-fer-1s", 20-lb. ball 50 sit-ups 15-ft. rope climbs, 5 ascents U.S. Coast Guard Lieutenant Junior Grade Thomas Cameron, 24, of Portland, Oregon, in training at the Aviation Training Center in Mobile, Alabama, died on February 28, 2012, when his unit's helicopter crashed into Mobile Bay in the Gulf of Mexico during a training mission. He is survived by his parents Bette and John, and brother Alex. 6/19/17 WOD
1) Back Squat 3RM 2) 2 Rounds for Time 800m Run 250m Farmers Carry 53/35 20 Toes to Bar 6/14/17 WOD
1) Strict Wtd. Pull Up 5-5-3-3-1-1 2) 12 min AMRAP 3 Power Cleans 135/95 6 Push Ups 9 Wall Balls 20/14 12 Pull Ups 6/13/17 WOD
1) Push Jerk + Split Jerk 1RM 2) For Time "Double Grace" 60 Clean and Jerks 135/95 6/7/17 WOD
1) OH Squat 3RM 2) Fight Gone Bad Style 5x3 min Rounds 1 min at each Station 1 min Rest Between rounds Push Press 75/55 SDLHP 75/55 Cal Row 6/6/17 WOD
1) Push Jerk + Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1 2) 8 min Min EMOM 2x Push Jerk + Split Jerk 3) 3 Rounds for Time 21 KB Swing 70/53 15 T2B 9 Jerk 165/115 (anyhow; from floor) 6/1/17 WOD
1) Push Jerk + Split Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 2) 13 min AMRAP 15 HSPU 50 ft. DB Front Rack Walking Lunge 50/35 5/31/17 WOD
1) Hang Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3-3 2) "DT" For Time 5 Rounds for Time 12 Deadlift 155/105 9 Hang Power Clean 155/105 6 Push Jerk 155/105 5/30/17WOD
1) Extended Mobility 30 min 2) 3x5 min Rounds 1 min Rest Between Rounds 40:20 Work:Rest Row Sled GHD Sit Up KB Swing 53/35 Russian Twist 25/15 5/26/17 WOD
1) For Time 10 Clean and Jerk 155/105 then 5 Rounds of Cindy 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats then 10 Clean and Jerk 155/105 2) 6 Rounds for Time 24 Dubs 12 GHD Sit Ups 6 Power Snatch 135/95 5/24/17 WOD
1) Deadlift 5x2 @ 85% 2) 3 Rounds for Time 800m Run 8 Deadlifts 315/225 3) GHR 4x8 5/23/17 WOD
1) Close Grip Bench 1RM 2) 20 min AMRAP 5 HSPU 10 Pistols 15 Push Ups All performed wearing a vest 5/22/17 WOD
1) Clean and Jerk 1RM 2) For Time 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 KB Swing 53/35 Thruster 65/45 Pull Up 25 min Cap 5/17/17 WOD
1) Squat Snatch 5x1 @ 90% 2) For Time 21-15-9 DB Snatch 80/55 Ring Dip 5/16/17 WOD
1) Clean and Jerk 5x1 @ 95% 2) 5 Rounds for Time 50 Dubs 5 Squat Cleans 155/105 5/12/17 WOD
1) For Time 400m Burden Run (Slug or Sandbag) 80/50 then 6 Rounds of 4 Strict HSPU 8 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 12 Air Squats then 400m Burden Run 80/50 2a) GHR 4x8 2b) Russian Twist 4x8 ea 5/10/17 WOD
1) Partner Workout 30 OH Squat 155/105 30 Cal Row 30 Power Clean 155/105 400m Run w/ Med Ball 20/14 30 Muscle Ups 400m Run w/ Med Ball 20/14 30 Power Cleans 155/105 30 Cal Row 30 OH Squat 155/105 5/9/17 WOD
1) Push Press 3RM 2) For Time 15-12-9-6-3 Push Press @ 0.75 Body Weight 5-4-3-2-1 Rope Climb 5/8/17 WOD
1) Back Squat 1RM 2) Weighted Cindy 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats With weight vest 5/4/17 WOD
1) Partner "Miron" 5 Rounds for Time of 800m Run 23 Back Squat @ 3/4 BW 13 Deadlifts @ 1.5 BW Both do all the running together. Both work at the same time on the lifts but each only does half the reps listed. 5/3/17 WOD
1) Close Grip Bench 2RM 2) "Weighted JT" 21-15-9 HSPU Ring Dip Push Up 3) 75 GHD Sit Ups 5/2/17WOD
1) Squat Clean + Split Jerk 6x2 @85% 2) 3 Rounds for Time 21 Wall Ball 15 Pull Ups 9 Clean and Jerk 115/75 4/28/17 WOD
1a) Front Rack KB Squat Iso Hold 5x30 sec 1b) TRX Body Saw 3x12 2a) GHD Barbell Row 3x8 2b) Seated Arnold Press 3x8 3) For Time 21-15-9 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95 C2B Pull Ups 4/27/17 WOD
1a) Single Leg RDL 3x8 ea 1b) Single Arm TRX/Ring Row 3x8 ea 2) 2 Rounds for Time 10 Deadlifts 315/225 20 Deficit HSPU 4.5/3in 30 Front Squats 95/65 4/26/17 WOD
1) Squat Clean 3RM 2) 20 min AMRAP CrossFit Games Open 16.2 In 4 min Windows Complete 25 T2B 50 Dubs 15 Squat Clean 135/85 25 T2B 50 Dubs 13 Squat Clean 185/115 25 T2B 50 Dubs 11 Squat Clean 225/145 25 T2B 50 Dubs 9 Squat Clean 275/175 25 T2B 50 Dubs 7 Squat Clean 315/205 4/25/17 WOD
1) 20 min AMRAP Partner Workout 100 DB Snatch 50/35 80 Cal Row 60 Bar Facing Burpees 40 Muscle Ups 4/24/17 WOD
1) Full Snatch 3RM 2) 6 Rounds for Time of 3 Power Snatch 155/105 2 Rounds of Cindy 1 Rope Climb Wt. Vest is Rxd. 25 min Cap. Cindy is: 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats 4/21/17 WOD
1) Front Squat 3RM 2) Fight Gone Bad Style 1 min Front Squat 135/95 1 min Rest 1 min Chest to Bar Pull Up 1 min Rest 1 min Power Clean 135/95 1 min Rest 4/20/17 WOD
1) Pause Snatch 5x2 @ 80% 2) Sotts Press 3x5 3) For Time 27-21-15-9 Power Snatch 75/55 Wall Ball 20/14 Cal Row 4/19/17 WOD Wes For time: Run 800 meters with a 25-lb. plate Then, 14 rounds of: 5 strict pull-ups 4 burpee box jumps, 24-in. box 3 cleans, 185 lb. Then, run 800 meters with a 25-lb. plate Post time to comments. U.S. Navy Lt. J. Wesley “Wes” Van Dorn, 29, of Greensboro, North Carolina, died on Jan. 8, 2014, of injuries sustained in a helicopter crash off the coast of Virginia. He was a member of Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron 14 at the Naval Air Station in Norfolk, Virginia. Van Dorn was a well-rounded and skilled athlete. According to his friends, he "prided himself on his ability to lift huge weight with the big guys and run with the smaller ones.“ Van Dorn is survived by his wife, Nicole; sons, Jaxton and Maddox; parents, Mark and Susan; brother, Max; and sister. 4/18/17 WOD
1a) Dbl. KB Z Press 3x10 1b) Half Kneeling Russian Twist 3x10 ea 2a) Tempo Barbell Bent Over Row w/Pause 3x10 2b) Weighted Hollow Rocks 3x15 3) 5 Rounds for Time 15 GHD Sit Ups 10 Ring Dips 1 Legless Rope Climb 4/17/17 WOD
1) 12 min EMOM Clean and Jerk. Go as heavy as you can with good tech. 2) 5 Rounds for Time of 4 Clean and Jerks 225/155 6 Bar Muscle Ups 40 ft HS Walk 4/14/17 WOD
1) Close Grip Bench Press 3RM 2) Partner Workout for Time 120 Push Ups 80 Pull Ups 40 Thrusters 115/75 then 3 Rounds of 25 Power Snatch 75/55 Front Squat 75/55 RXd is wearing a vest 30 min Cap 4/13/17 WOD
1a) Half Kneeling One Arm Press 3x10 ea 1b) One Arm Dead Hang 3x max time each arm 2) 3 Rounds for Time 5 Bar Muscle Ups 10 Ring Dips 15 Power Clean 115/75 20 Push Jerks 115/75 25 Cal Row 4/12/17 WOD
1) 1 Power Snatch + 2 OH Squat 5x2 @ 75% 2) For Time 100 Wall Ball 75 GHD Sit Up 50 Cal Row 25 Power Snatch 135/95 4/11/17 WOD
1a) Chainsaw Row 3x8 ea 1b) Suitcase Lunge 3x10 ea 1c) KB Hold Plus Deadbug 3x12 ea 2) 20 MIN AMRAP 400m Run 15 L Sit Pull Ups 15 Hip Extensions 4/10/17 WOD
1) Thruster 1RM (from rack) 2a) Half Kneeling One Arm Arnold Press 3x10 ea 2b) Wtd. Hollow Rocks 3x15 3) For Time 30-20-10 DB Thruster 35/20 T2B 4/7/17 WOD
1) "The Faucet" 2 man Teams 6 Rounds for time 4 Rope Climbs 12 DBall Over Shoulder 150/100 24 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 4/6/17 WOD
1a) One Arm Z Press 3x8 ea 1b) Chest to Ring Pull Up + Hold 3x5x5 1c) Wtd. Bear Crawl 3x50 ft 2) 5 Rounds for Time 10 KB Clean and Jerks 53/35 3 Muscle Ups 4/5/17 WOD
1) Partner Workout 2 Man Teams 200 Dubs 100 Ring Dips 50 Squat Cleans 205/145 25 Rope Climbs 4/4/17 WOD
1a) Half Kneeling Landmine Twist 3x8 ea 1b) Pendlay Fat Bar Row 3x8 2a) Alt. DB Bench w/ Opposite Arm Iso Hold 3x8ea 2b) TRX Body Saw 3x8-12 2c) Band Triceps Pressdown 3x15 3) 10 min AMRAP 10 HSPU 15 Front Rack BB Lunge 95/65 4/3/17 WOD
1a) DB Push Press + KB Front Rack Hold 3x8 ea 1b) One Arm Ring Row 3x8ea 2a) Half Kneeling KB Woodchopper 3x8 ea 2b) Wtd.Banded Pallof Press 3x8 ea 3) 6-9-12-9-6 Burpees Over Bar Front Squat 185/135 C2B 3/31/17 WOD
1) Squat 5RM 2) 13min AMRAP 15 Deadlift 135/95 12 Hang Power Clean 135/95 9 Front Squat 135/95 6 Push Jerk 135/95 3 Thruster 95/65 3) GHR 4x8 3/29/17 WOD 1) 2 Rounds for time 50 Wall Balls 5 Clean and Jerks 225/155 2) For Time 40 Strict Pull Ups 80 Push Ups 40 Pistols 3/28/17 WOD
1) Bench 5RM 2) 10 min EMOM Min 1: 10 C2B Pull Ups Min 2: 5 Stict Press + 10 Push Press 135/95 3) 3x Max L Sit Hold 3/27/17 WOD
1) 17.5 Redo or 2) "Liam" Done as a partner workout 800m Plate Run 45/25 100 T2B 50 Front Squat 155/105 10 Rope Climb 800m Plate Run 45/25 U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Liam J. Nevins, 32, of Middlebury, Vermont, was killed by small arms fire while conducting combat operations in Paktia Province, Afghanistan, on Sept. 21, 2013. Nevins was assigned to Operational Detachment Alpha 9521, Bravo Company, 5th Bn., 19th Special Forces Group, based in Fort Carson, Colorado. His friends remember him as a cut above when it came to fitness. He enjoyed hiking and running outdoors, as well as the full gamut of CrossFit movements, from Olympic lifting to gymnastics. He is survived by his mother, Victoria; father, William; fiancée, Julie Huynh; and sisters, Maeve and Raven. 3/23/17 WOD
1) Extended Mobility 40 min 2) 18 min EMOM Min 1: 15/12 Cal Row Min 2: 12 GHD Sit Up Min 3: Sled Push Down/Back 90/45 Min 4: 1 Round of Cindy Min 5: 40 Dubs Min 6: 5x DBall Over Shoulder 100/75 3/22/17 WOD
1) Heavy Split Jerk Single from the Rack 2) For Time 40-30-20-10 Cal Row KB Swing 53/35 Ab Mat sit up 3/21/17 WOD
1) Wtd. Dip 5-5-3-2-2-1-1 2) 4 Rounds for Time 10 Chest to Bar 10 Ring Dip 10 Power Clean 115/75 400m Run 3/20/17 WOD
1) 13 min AMRAP 40 Dubs 5 DB Thrusters 50/35 40 Dubs 10 DB Thrusters 50/35 40 Dubs 15 DB Thrusters 50/35 40 Dubs 20 DB Thrusters 50/35 40 Dubs 25 Thrusters 50/35 etc as high as you can on the ladder till 13 min 2) 17.4 for those who havent done it yet 3/17/17 WOD
1) 13 min AMRAP 55 Deadlifts 225/155 55 Wall Ball 20/14 55 Cal Row 55 HSPU 3/16/17 WOD
1) 40min Extended Mobility 2) 16 min EMOM 1: Sled Push 100ft 90/45 2: Cal Row 15/12 3: GHD Sit Ups 12 4: 1 Round of Cindy 3/15/17 WOD 1) 3 Rounds for Time 3 Legless Rope Climbs 6 Push Jerks 225/155 12 Deadlifts 225/155 24 GHD Sit Ups 48 Wall Ball 20/14 30 min cap 3/14/17 WOD
1) Partner Workout For Time EACH must complete 500m Row 30x Bench Press @ BW 1000m Row 20x Bench Press @ BW 2000m Row 10x Bench Press @ BW The bench and row may be split up but both must complete all the reps. Once the first partner finishes the row or bench they may move to the next thing and both may be working at the same time. 3/13/17 WOD
1) 17.3 Redo or same exact workout with squat cleans and HSPU for those that dont want to redo. 3/10/17 WOD
1) 8min to complete 3 Rounds of 6 C2B 6 Squat Snatch 95/65 3 Rounds of 7 C2B 5 Squat Snatch 135/95 if completed before 8 min time cap extends to 12min 3 Rounds 8 C2B Pull Ups 4 Squat Snatches 185/135 if completed before 12 min time cap extends to 16 min 3 Rounds 9 C2B 3 Squat Snatch 225/155 if completed before 16 min time cap extends to 20 min 3 Rounds 10 C2B 2 Squat Snatch 245/175 if completed before 20 min time cap extends to 24 min 3 Rounds 11 C2B 1 Squat Snatch 265/185 3/9/17 WOD
1) 40 min Mobility 2) 4 Rounds Each for Time 10 Cal Row 12 Burpee Box Jump 24/20 100 ft Sled Push 90/45 1:30 Rest Between Rounds 3/7/17WOD
1) Push Press 1RM 2) 11 Rounds for time 7 C2B Pull Ups 9 Push Press 75/55 11 Wall Ball 20/14 25 min Cap 3/6/17 WOD
1) Back Squat 1RM 2) 12 min AMRAP 40 HSPU 20 Back Squat 225/155 10 Rope Climbs OR 1)) 17.2 Redo (still warming up with squats but not going to a max set) 3/2/17 WOD
1) Extended Mobility 40 min 2) 16 min EMOM 1: Sled Push Down Back 90/45 2: 15/12 Cal Row 3: 12 GHD Sit Ups 4: 1 Round of Cindy 3/1/17 WOD
1) 15 min AMRAP Partner WOD 15 T2B 10 Deadlift 115/75 5 Power Snatch 115/75 One person does the whole round then switches 2) 6 min to find a 1RM Clean and Jerk Both weights lifted will be added together Reps Completed and total weight lifted will be added together 2/27/17/ WOD
1) 17.1 Redo if desired 2) 20 min AMRAP Partner Workout 50 Cal Row 50 Push Jerks 115/75 2/24/17 WOD
1) For Time 10 DB Snatch 50/35 15 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20 20 DB Snatch 15 Burpee Box Jump Over 30 DB Snatch 15 Burpee Box Jump Over 40 DB Snatch 15 Burpee Box Jump Over 50 DB Snatch 15 Burpee Box Jump Over 20 min Cap. Scaled=35/20lbs and 20 in box and step ups are permitted. 2/23/17 WOD
1) 40 min Extended Mobility 2) 16 min EMOM 1: Run 200m 2: 15/12 Cal Row 3: 15 KB Swings 53/35 4: 1 Rnd of Cindy 2/22/17 WOD
1) Barbell Tabata Tabata Deadlift 185/135 Rest 1 min Tabata Hang Power Clean 135/95 Rest 1 min Tabata Front Squat 85/55 Rest 1 min Tabata Push Press 65/45 Tabata=8 Rounds of 20 sec work/10 Sec rest, 4 min total 2/21/17 WOD
1) 5 Rounds NOT for Time 5x Box Jump 40/30 100 ft Sled Push 90/45 2) For Time 5-4-3-2-1 Rope Climb 400m Run after each set 2/20/17 WOD
1) 2 Rounds for Time 15 Power Clean 115/75 45 Dubs 15 Push Jerk 115/75 45 Dubs 2) "Dumbbell DT" 5 Rounds for Time 12 DB Deadlift 50/35 9 DB Deadlift 50/35 6 DB Deadlift 50/35 RX+ 75/55 2/17/17 WOD
1) 15 min to find a 1RM Hang Squat Clean 2) 15 min AMRAP 200m Run 10 Hang Squat Cleans 95/65 5 Muscle Ups 2/16/17 WOD
1) 16 min EMOM 1: 2x Push Jerk. Work up to a heavy double over the 8 sets 2: 5x DBall Over Shoulder 150/100 2) 10 min AMRAP 10 Burpees 10 Toes to Bar 10 DB Push Press 50/35 2/15/17 WOD
1) 5 Rounds of 60 sec Max Cal Row Turkish Get Ups 50/35 Each round must equal 40 total reps for men and 35 reps for women 2/14/17 WOD
1) "St. Valentine's Day Massascre" For Time "Fran" 21-15-9 Thrsters 95/65 Pull Ups then Run 1 mile 2) Not for time 100 GHD Sit Ups 2/13/17 WOD
1) 12 min Every 1:30 2x Squat Clean and Split Jerk Work Up to a heavy set 2) 14 min AMRAP 50 Wall Balls 20/14 40 Cal Row 30 DB Hang Squat Clean 50/35 20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 2/9/17 WOD
1) 10min EMOM 1 Squat Snatch + 1 OH Squat 2) 5 Rounds for Time 10 Power Snatch 115/75 10 Toes Through Rings 2/8/17 WOD
1) 15 min to find a heavy Bench Press Double 2) Partner Workout 42 HSPU 36 Bench 185/115 9 Rope Climbs 36 HSPU 30 Bench 185/115 6 Rope Climbs 30 HSPU 24 Bench 185/115 3 Rope Climbs 2/7/17 WOD
1) 5 Rounds for Time 10 DB Power Clean 50/35 10 DB Burpees 50/35 Rest 5 min 2) 4 Rounds for Time 6 DB Power Clean 65/45 6 DB Power Clean 65/45 Rest 5 min 3) 3 Rounds for Time 4 DB Power Cleans 75/50 4 DB Burpees 75/50 2/6/17 WOD
1) 15 min to find a Front Squat 2RM 2) 20 min AMRAP 20 Burpee Pull Ups 20 Thrusters 75/55 20 Cal Row or Bike 60 Dubs 2/3/17 WOD
1) 12 min EMOM 1: 15/12 Cal Row 2: 15 GHD Sit Up 3: Sled Push Down/Back x2 45/25 4: 1 Round of Cindy 2) For Time 21-15-9 Squat Snatch 115/75 C2B Pull Up 2/2/17 WOD
1) YWTL TRX Warm Up 2) Push Jerk 3RM 3) Push Press 5RM 4) Strict Press 7RM 5) Strict Pull Ups 5x5 6) 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 30 Push Ups 20 Power Clean 95/65 2/1/17 WOD
1) Partner Workout 100 Alt. One Arm DB Power Snatch 70/50 100 Wall Ball 20/14 100 GHD Sit Ups 100 OH Squat 95/65 1/31/17 WOD
1) 13.1 17 min AMRAP 40 Target Burpees 30 Power Snatch 75/45 30 Target Burpees 30 Power Snatch 135/75 20 Target Burpees 30 Power Snatch 165/100 10 Target Burpees Max Reps Power Snatch 210/120 1/30/17 WOD
1) 15 min to find a 3RM Front Squat 2) 11 min AMRAP 40 Dubs 10 Toes to Bar 10 Front Squat 135/95 1/27/17 WOD
1) 15 min to find a Close Grip Bench Press 1RM 2) For Time 21-15-9 Wall Ball 20/14 to an 11/10ft target Bar Muscle Up Box Jump Over 24/20 DB Power Snatch 55/35 1/26/17 WOD
Paul Pena 7 rounds, each for time of: 100-meter sprint 19 kettlebell swings, 2 pood 10 burpee box jumps, 24-inch Rest 3 minutes Army Captain Paul Pena, 27, of San Marcos, Texas, died on Jan. 19, 2010, from wounds sustained from an enemy force’s improvised explosive device. Pena was leading a patrol in Arghandab River Valley in Afghanistan at the time of his death. He was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Pena participated in the Junior ROTC program at San Marcos Baptist Academy and later graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He maintained his fitness with CrossFit workouts and particularly enjoyed running, burpees, push-ups and pull-ups. He is survived by his mother, Cecilia. 1/23/17 WOD
1) Squat 1RM 2) Death By Burpees + Back Squat From Rack 185/125 Rest 3 min 3) Death by Burpees + Shoulder Press From Rack 115/75 Rest 3 min 4) Death by Burpees + Deadlift 245/165 1/24/17 WOD
1) Squat Snatch 1RM 2) For Time 400m Run Power Snatches 75/55 400m Run Power Snatches 95/65 400m Run 1/23/17 WOD
1) Partner Workout For Time: 100 Thrusters 95/65 80 Burpee Box Jump 24/20 60 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 4000m Row 2 mi Run (done in 400m increments) 1/20/17 WOD
1) 3 Rounds for Time 15 Power Cleans 155/105 5 Rope Climbs 2) 3 Rounds for Time 15 T2B 15 Deadlift 185/135 15 HSPU 1/19/17 WOD 1) Big Clean Complex 6 Sets of: High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Press + HIgh Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Jerks + High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Split Jerk 2) 15 min to find a 2RM Close Grip Bench Press 3) 100 GHD Sit Ups + whatever arm work you like 1/18/17 WOD
1) 15 min EMOM Min 1: 15 KB Swings 53/35 Min 2: Max Pull Ups in 40 seconds Min 3: 50 Dubs 2) 5 rounds not for time 100ft Sled Push 135/90 100ft D-Ball Carry 150/100 1/17/17 WOD
1) Squat 2RM 2) 2 Rounds for Time 21 Deadlift 225/155 15 Front Squat 185/125 9 Power Clean 135/95 1/16/17 WOD
1) 30 min AMRAP 12 Cal Row 12 Power Snatch 95/65 12 Wall Ball 20/14 12 Toes to Bar 2-3 Man Partners. One person does a whole round then the other goes. 1/12/17 WOD
1) Kipping Pull Up Practice 2) 10 min to find a Close Grip Bench Press 3RM 3) 5 Rounds for Time 5 Man Makers 55/35 5 DBall Shoulders 150/100 5 Bar Muscle Ups 1/11/17 WOD
1) 15 min to find a 3RM Back Squat 2) For Time 50 GHD Sit Ups 40 HSPU 30 Back Squat 225/155 1//10/17 WOD 1) 10 min EMOM 5 Power Clean (Touch n Go) EMOM 2) 3 Rounds for Time 15 T2B 12 Box Jump 24/20 9 Power Clean 155/105 1/9/17 WOD
1) Partner Workout "I Go, You Go" Format 5 Clean and Jerks 185/125 4 Clean and Jerks 205/145 3 Clean and Jerks 225/155 2 Clean and Jerks 245/165 3x1 Clean and Jerks 265/175 2) For Time 30 Hang Squat Cleans 115/75 30 HSPU 30 Thrusters115/75 30 Box Jump Overs 24/20 30 OH Squats 115/75 30 Chest to Bar Pull Ups 1/6/17 WOD
1) 15 min to find a Close Grip Bench Press 5RM 2) 5 Rounds for Time 30 Dubs 20 DB Power Snatch 55/35 10 DB Burpees 55/35 1/5/17 WOD
1) 5 Rounds for Time of: 15 Bar Facing Burpees 1 Round of "DT" 12 Deadlifts 155/105 9 Hang Power Cleans 155/105 6 Push Jerks 155/105 2) 3 sets of 25 Med Ball GHD Sit Ups Bear Hug DBall Carry Down/Back x2 1/4/17 WOD 1) For Time 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Toes To Bar Hang Power Clean 95/65 Pistols 2) Time Permitting Sled Drag Races 1/3/17 WOD
1) 2 Rounds for Time 18 Cal Row 15 Power Snatch 95/65 12 C2B Pull Ups Rest 5 min 2) 10 min to find a Max Full Snatch Rest 5 min 3) For Time 50 Bar Facing Burpees EMOM 1 Rope Climb Penalty 12/29/16 WOD
1) Close Grip Bench Press 5RM 2) For Time 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Bench 205/125 1x Rope Climb after each set 3) 100 GHD Sit Ups 10/28/16 WOD
1) Partner Workout For Time 2000m Row 42 Thruster 95/65 42 C2B 1000m Row 30 Thruster 95/65 30 C2B 500m Row 18 Thruster 95/65 18 C2B 12/27/16 WOD
1) 15min to find 1RM Clean and Jerk 2) For TIme 15 Burpees over the Bar 5 Clean and Jerks 225/155 12 Burpees over the Bar 4 Clean and Jerks 225/155 9 Burpees Over the Bar 3 Clean and Jerks 225/155 12/26/16 WOD
"Tiff" On a 25-minute clock, Run 1.5 miles Then perform as many rounds as possible of: 11 chest-to-bar pull-ups 7 hang squat cleans, 155 lb. 7 push presses, 155 lb. United States Army Capt. Benjamin David Tiffner, 31, of West Virginia, died Nov. 7, 2007, when his vehicle was struck by an improvised-explosive device in Baghdad, Iraq, while he was supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom. In 1996, Tiffner was nominated by Senator Robert Byrd to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. He graduated from the Academy in 2000. After six years of service, Tiffner graduated from the Special Forces Qualification Course and was assigned to the 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne). Tiffner’s mother, Judith, said her son always wanted to serve. 12/22/16 WOD
1) 10 min Window For Time 250m Run 30/25 Cal Row 20 Burpees Over Rower In the remaining time work up to a 1RM Bench 3) 9 min AMRAP 9 Deadlifts 185/135 9 C2B 9 Hanging Knee Raises 4) Whatever Bro Lifts you want 12/21/16 WOD
1) 15 min EMOM 1 Snatch Every min on the min Work up over the course of the EMOM to a heavy single 2) Snatch Pulls 4x3 @ 100% 3) 3x5 min Rounds 1 min rest between rounds 3 Power Snatch 135/95 6 Push Up 9 Air Squat 12/20/16 WOD
1) 15 min to find a max set from the rack of: Push Jerk + Split Jerk 2) 14 min AMRAP 1 Round of "Mary" 1 Round of "DT" Mary is: 5 HSPU 10 Pistols 15 Pull Ups DT is: 12 Deadlift 155/105 9 Hang Power Clean 155/105 6 Push Jerk 155/105 12/19/16 WOD
1) 15 min to find a 1RM Hang Squat Clean 2) 4 Rounds for Time 3 Hang Squat Clean 205/135 15 KB Swing 53/35 45 Dubs 12/16/16 WOD
1) 15 min to find a heavy single Deadlift 2) 3 Rounds for TIme 80 Dubs 40 Air Squats 20 Deadlifts 185/135 12/15/16 WOD
1) For Time 30 Box Jump 30/24 30 C2B Pull Ups 30 KB Swing 70/53 30 Front Squat 135/95 30 T2B 30 Push Press 135/95 30 Power Clean 135/95 30 Wall Ball 20/14 to an 11/10ft target 30 Bar Facing Burpees 30 Triple Unders 12/14/16 WOD
1) 5 Rounds NOT for Time 5 DB Deadlifts 5 DB Rows 5 DB Hang Power Clean 5 DB Front Squat 5 DB Push Jerk As Heavy as Possible *This is not conditioning. This is weightlifting. Go Heavy. 2) For Time 10-8-6-4-2 DBall Shoulder 150/100 20-16-12-8-4 Pistols Handstand Walk 50ft 12/13/16 WOD
1) 2 Rounds for Time 100m DBall Slug Bear Hug Carry 80/50 10 Bar Muscle Ups 100m DBall Slug Bear Hug Carry 80/50 10 C2B Pull Ups 2) NOT for Time 100 GHD Sit Ups 100 DB Snatch 75/50 5 Sled Push 135/90 2-3 Peg Board *Can be done in any order and in sets 12/12/16 WOD
1) 10 min to find a heavy single Front Squat 1RM *Do 3-5 strict pull ups after each set 2) 10 min to find a heavy single Thruster 2) 5 Rounds for Time 7 Thrusters 1353/95 1 Rope Climb 12/9/16 WOD
1) 5 Rounds for Time 15 Wall Balls 20/14 10 Burpees 5 Muscle Ups 2) 100 GHD Sit Ups 3) Whatever arm work you like 12/8/16 WOD
1) 15 min to find a Bench Heavy Single 2) Partner or individual workout. Both Partners will do all the work 5 Rounds for Time 5 Bench 205/125 5 Power Clean 205/145 3) 3 Rounds for Time 100 Dubs 10 DBall Shoulder 150/100 12/7/16 WOD
Partner Workout 1) For Time 1000m Row 50 T2B 750m Row 30 Front Squat 155/105 500m Row 10 Rope Climbs 1000m Row 30 Front Squat 155/105 750m Row 50 T2B 500m Row 12/6/16
1) 15 min to find a Heavy Single Power Snatch 2) 8 min EMOM 5x Touch n Go Power Snatch As Heavy As Possible 3) For Time 21-15-9 MB V Up 20/14 Ring Dips OH Squat 115/75 12/5/16 WOD
1) 15 min to find a Heavy Single Power Clean 2) 8 min EMOM 5x Touch n Go Power Snatch As Heavy as Possible 3) 3 Rounds for Time 50 Dubs 25 KB Swing 53/35 5 Power Clean 225/155 12/2/16 WOD
1) 15 min to find a 1RM Front Squat 2) For Time 30 Wall Ball 10 Squat Clean 135/95 30 Wall Ball 10 Squat Clean 155/105 30 Wall Ball 10 Squat Clean 185/125 3) Extra Credit 3x Peg Board 12/1/16 WOD
1) 10 min to find a Heavy Single Push Jerk 2a) Strict Press 5x5 2b) Strict Pull Up 5x5 3) For Time 18-14-10 (9-7-5 ea. side) Turkish Get Up 53/35 One Arm KB Snatch 53/35 One Arm Front Rack Lunge 53/35 11/30/16 WOD
1) 15 min AMRAP 5 DBall Shoulders 150/100 10 Ring Rows 15 DB Step Ups 35/25; 24 /20 2) Not For Time 3x Prowler Push 180/90 45 GHD Sit Ups 30 Strict T2B 15 Med Ball GHD Sit Ups 11/29/16 WOD
1) 10 min to find a heavy Snatch Single 2) Snatch Pulls 5x2 @ 100% 3) 4 Rounds for Time 5 Bar Muscle Ups 10 Power Snatch 115/75 15 Box Jump Overs 24/20 11/28/16 WOD
1) 12 min to find a Heavy Clean and Jerk (must be Squat Clean + Split Jerk 2) 10 min every 1:15 2x Clean and Jerk @ 75% of #1 3) 3 Rounds for Time 18 KB Swing 70/53 15 Thrusters 95/65 12 C2B Pull Ups 11/23/16 WOD
1) 15 min AMRAP 30 Dubs 15 Power Clean 135/95 30 Dubs 15 T2B 2) 3 Rounds for Time 21 Cal Row 14 HSPU 7 Front Squats from rack 205/145 11/22/16 WOD
1) 10 min to find a Snatch heavy single 2) Snatch Pull 4x3 @ 85% 3) For Time 27-21-15-9 Wall Ball 20/14 Power Snatch 75/55 11/18/16 WOD
1) 4 Rounds for Time 10 Thrusters 115/75 15 T2B Rest 5 min 2) 3 Rounds for Time 10 Power Clean 135/95 15 HSPU Rest 5 min 3) 2 Rounds for Time 10 Front Squat 155/105 15 Bar Facing Burpees 11/17/16 WOD
1) Deadlift 2RM 2) For Time 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlift 365/255 Muscle Up 3) 75 GHD Sit Ups 11/16/16 WOD
1) Push Jerk 2RM 2) Bench + Bands 2RM 3) 10 min AMRAP 10 Deficit HSPU 6/4in 20 Pistols 30 Dubs 11/15/16 WOD
1a) Strict Wtd. Pull Up Max 5-5-3-3-2-1-1-1 etc. 1b) Ab Wheel 10-12 reps after each set of 5 and 3. 2) With a Running Clock for reps 5 min AMRAP Burpee Box Jump Over 30/24 5 min Rest 4 min AMRAP 10m Shuttle Run 4 min Rest 3 min AMRAP Power Cleans 155/105 3 min Rest 2 min Wall Ball 20/14 to an 11/10ft target 2 min Rest 1 Min max Kipping Pull Ups 11/14/16 WOD
1) 10 min Warm Up of working up to 75% of a Full Clean + Split Jerk and the movements of "22". 2) "22" 22 min AMRAP 22 Wall Balls 20/14 22 Power Snatch 75/55 22 Box Jump 24/20 22 Push Press 75/55 22 Cal Row 2a) 15 min to find a Max Clean and Jerk. Must be a full Squat Clean + Split Jerk. Time starts as soon as AMRAP ends. Total number of reps completed + lbs lifted is your score on the workout. 11/11/16 WOD
1) "Buldger" 10 Rounds for Time 150m Sprint 7 C2B 7 Front Squats 135/95 7 HSPU 11/10/16 WOD
1) 6 Rounds not for Time 3 Strict HSPU Prowler Down/Back 135/90 2) For Time 3 Rope Climbs 30 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 30 KB Swing 53/35 2 Rope Climbs 20 Burpee Box Jump 24/20 20 KB Swing 53/35 1 Rope Climbs 10 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 10 KB Swing 53/35 11/9/16 WOD
1) 10 min to find a 3RM Push Jerk 2) "Adderall 1" 0:00-10:00 min 1 mi Run Max Reps Clean and Jerk 135/95 10:00-13:00 Min Rest 13:00-20:00 Run 800m Power Snatch 115/80 20:00-23:00 Rest 23:00-27:00 Run 400m Max Reps Thrusters 95/65 11/8/16 WOD
1) 15 min to find a 3RM Squat 2) "Nasty Girls" 3 Rounds for Time 50 Air Squats 7 Muscle Ups 10 Hang Power Cleans 135/95 3a) DBall Good Morning 3x6-8 3b) GHR 3x6-8 3c) DBall Get Ups 3x6-8 11/7/16 WOD
1) 2 man Teams for Time 9-15-21 OH Squat 95/65 C2B Pull Ups then 4 Rounds (each does a whole round) 400m Run 20 Wall Ball 20/14 10 Deadlift 275/185 then 6 Rounds (each does a whole round) 3 Bar Muscle Ups 5 HSPU 7 T2B You NEED a partner for todays workout and a 3 person team will not be allowed. 11/3/16 WOD
1) Bench + Bands 2RM 2) 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 40 Push Ups 4 Rope Climbs Sled Push Down/Back 180/90 The gym is closed tomorrow 11/4 and Sat 11/5 11/2/16 WOD
1) 15 min to find a max set of the complex Hang Squat Snatch + Full Squat Snatch 2) 4 Rounds for Time 25 Wall Balls 20/14 15 C2B Pull Ups 5 DBall Shoulders 150/100 or 90 11/1/16 WOD
1) 15 min to find a max set of the complex: Hang Squat Clean + Full Squat Clean 2) For Time 250m Slug Run to Stop Sign 80/50 10 Clusters 185/125 31 Cal Row 16 Bar Muscle Ups 250m Slug Run 80/50 10/31/16 WOD
1) 2 man teams For Time 100 Cal Row 90 Wall Ball 20/14 80 Cal Row 70 Burpees 60 Cal Row 50 T2B 40 Cal Row 30 HSPU 20 Cal Row 10 Muscle Up 10/28/16 WOD
1) "Jackie" For Time 1000m Row 50 Thrusters 45/35 30 Pull Ups 2) "Annie" 50-40-30-20-10 Dubs Sit Ups 10/27/16 WOD
1) "Elizabeth" For Time 21-15-9 Power Clean 135/95 Ring Dip 2) "Christine" 3 Rounds for Time 500m Row 12 Deadlifts @ Body Weight 21 Box Jumps 24/20 10/26/16 WOD
1) "Isabel" For Time 30 Snatches 135/95 2) "Nicole" 20 min AMRAP 400m Run Max Pull Ups Score is pull ups completed 10/25/16 WOD
1) "Grace" For Time 30 Clean and Jerks (anyhow) 135/95 Rest 10-15 min 2) "Diane" For Time 21-15-9 Deadlift 225/155 HSPU 10/24/16 WOD
1) "Fran" For Time 21-15-9 Thrusters 95/65 Pull Ups 2) 50-75 GHD Sit Ups Back Ex. 10/21/16 WOD
1) 20 min AMRAP 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats 20 Pulls on the Rower Score on the workout is Cal Rowed on those pulls 2) "Bro Sesh" DB Curls 4x8-12 Band Pressdowns 4x8-12 10/20/16 WOD
1) 15 min to find a Front Squat 1RM from rack 2) "Heartbreak Kid" 3 Rounds for Time 10 Front Squat 185/125 (from floor) 20 C2B Pull Ups 50 Dubs 10/19/16 WOD
1) 10 min to find a heavy/max set from the rack of Push Jerk + Split Jerk 2) 10 min to find a 3RM Bench + Bands = 4x25 BPA 3) 7 Rounds for Time 7 SDLHP 95/65 7 Hang Power Snatch 95/65 7 Push Jerk 95/65 10/18/16 WOD
1) 15 min EMOM Min 1: 20/15 Cal Row Min 2: 15 Wall Ball 20/14 Min 3: 5 DBall Shoulder 150/100 2) 4 Min AMRAP 21-15-9 Thrusters 75/55 Burpeees (Someone Finish this today) 3) Not for Time 50 GHD Sit Ups 50 Back Ex. 10/17/16 WOD
1) 10 min to find a max/heavy set of Full Snatch + OH Squat 2) For Time 21-15-9 Cal Row Ab Wheel Push Up Air Squat OA KB Hang Power Snatch 53/35 Pull Up Rx=Wear 20/14 lbs Weight Vest 10/14/16 WOD
1) Peg Board 3x 2a) Strict Pull Up 3x5 2b) Strict Ring Dip 3x5 2c) GHR 3x6-8 3) 3 Rounds for Time 5 Man (Woman) Makers 35/25 10 Turkish Get Up 35/25 (5 ea. side) 25 Cal Row Been hearing lately how some of our veterans need "motivation" and aren't "feeling motivated". Well F*** that. Discipline trumps motivation every single time. This stuff is "fun" makes you, feel and sleep better and live longer and a better life. Motivation is the roof that never lasts and needs constant upkeep. Discipline is the block foundation which never wavers. Get. To. The. Gym. and TRAIN. 10/13/16 WOD
1) "Glen" 2 man Team for Time 30 Clean and Jerks 135/95 1 mi Run (4x400m) 10 Rope Climbs 1 mi Run (4x400m) 100 Burpees Former U.S. Navy SEAL Glen Doherty, 42, of Winchester, Massachusetts, assigned to a State Department security detail in Benghazi, Libya, died in an attack on a U.S. consulate on September 11, 2012. He is survived by his parents, Ben and Barbara, sister Katie, and brother Greg. 10/12/16 WOD
1) 10 min to find a Heavy/Max Squat Clean 2) 6 min EMOM 2xSquat Clean @ 75% of 1# 3) 3 Rounds for Time 5 Muscle Ups (Sub 2 Ring Pull Ups + 2 Push Ups per rep) 10 Power Clean 165/115 25 Wall Ball 20/14 10/11/16 WOD
1) Bench + Chains 1RM 4x25 BPA 2) DB Incline Bench 3x6-8 3) 3 Rounds for Time 25 GHD Sit Ups 15 Bench Press 155/95 DBall Shoulder 150/100 10/10/16 WOD
1) 7 min AMRAP 7 Burpees over the bar 7 Thrusters 95/65 1 Rope Climb 5 min Rest 2) 7 min AMRAP 12 Air Squats 6 Hang Power Snatch 115/75 3 OH Squat 115/75 Rest 5 min 3) 3 Rounds for Time 10 (5/5 ea.) Renegade Row 35/25 10 (5/5 ea.) DB Step Up 35/25; 24/20 10 (5/5 ea.) DB Front Rack Lunge 35/25 10/7/16 WOD
1) Partner Prowler Push to the Stop Sign and Back (ON THE NEW ROAD!) 90/50 2) Squat Snatch 6x2 @ 75% 3) For Time 750m Run (3x to the stop sign on the new road) 5 Squat Snatches 95/65 10 Strict Pull Ups 20 GHD Sit Ups 500m Run (2x to the stop sign) 5 Squat Snatches 95/65 10 Strict Pull ups 20 GHD Sit Ups 250m Run (1x to the stop sign) 5 Squat Snatches 95/65 10 Strict Pull Ups 20 GHD Sit Ups 10/6/16 1) 10 min EMOM Even: Max Rope Climbs Odd: Rest 2) Bench + Chains 2RM + 4x20-25 BPA 3) 5 Rounds for Time 5 Double KB Deadlift 53/35 5 Dbl. KB Russian Swing 53/35 5 Dbl. KB Hang Power Clean 53/35 5 Dbl. KB Front Squat 53/35 5 Dbl. KB Push Jerk 53/35 200m Run 10/5/16 WOD
1) Partner Workout 25 min AMRAP 100m Slug Run 80/50 10 Slug Ground to Shoulder 80/50 100ft Sled Drag 135/90 One person does a whole round then the other goes 2) 50 Dubs or 25 Triple Unders 10/4/16 WOD
1) "Open Ready" 20min AMRAP 50 KB Swings 53/35 50 Dubs 40 Box Jump 24/20 40 T2B 30 C2B Pull Ups 30 Burpees 20 Cleans 145/100 20 Jerks 145/100 10 Sntaches 145/100 10 Muscle Ups 10/3/16 WOD
1) 15 min to find a heavy Back Squat Single 2) 5 min AMRAP 50 Wall Ball Buy In 12 Deadlift 185/125 12 Over the Bar Burpees 5 min Rest 3) 5 min AMRAP 35 Wall Ball 9 Deadlift 225/155 9 Over the Bar Burpees 5 min Rest 4) 5 min AMRAP 20 Wall Ball 6 Deadlift 275/155 6 Over the Bar Burpees 9/30/16 WOD
1) 5 min AMRAP Buy In 50/40 Cal Row 1 Round of Cindy AMAP Power Clean 155/105 Rest 5 min 2) 5 min AMRAP Buy In 35/28 Cal Row 2 Rounds of Cindy AMAP Power Clean 185/125 Rest 5 min 3) 5 min AMRAP 20/15 CaL Row 3 Rounds of Cindy AMAP Power Clean 205/145 Your score each 5 min AMRAP is the number of Power Cleans Completed 9/29/16 WOD
1) "JT" 21-15-9 HSPU Ring Dip Push Up 2) 3x12 ea. Supersets not for time Strict Pull Ups Glute Ham Raise 3 Way Delts 3) 3x25 ea. Supersets not for Time GHD Sit Ups Back Extensions Band Pull Aparts 9/28/16 WOD
1) 4x400m Sprint 1 min rest between 2) Marston Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of: 405/315-lb. deadlift, 1 rep 10 toes-to-bar 15 bar-facing burpees Special Warfare Operator 1st Class William Blake Marston, 31, of Concord, New Hampshire, died Jan. 10, 2015, in DeLand, Florida, during military parachute training. Marston was assigned to an East Coast-based SEAL Team and served in the Navy for six years. Marston is survived by his girlfriend, Christine Clark; parents, Bill and Nancy; three siblings, Chris, Jeffrey and Emily; and many other friends and family. 9/27/16 WOD
1) 10 min to Work Up to a Heavy Push Jerk Single from the Rack 2) 10 min EMOM 3 Split Jerks from the rack 3) 20 min AMRAP 100 Dubs 100ft Walking Front Rack Slug Lunge 80/50 9/26/16 WOD 1) For Time In Two man teams (bring a partner) 80 Thrusters 115/80 80 C2B Pull Ups 80 Squat Cleans 115/80 80 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 80 Cal Row 9/23/16 WOD 1) 3 Rounds For Time 30 Wall Balls 20/14 20 Box Jumps 24/20 10 Bench M=Body Weight; Female= 1/2 BW 2) 3 Supersets not for time Max Strict Pull Ups 10-15 DB Bench 20-30 Band Pressdown 9/22/16
1) For Time 400m DBall Slug Carry 80/50 Immediately into 2) 4 Rounds for Time 40 ft DBall Slug Lunge 80/50 4 Deadlifts 365/255 20 Cal Row 2 Legless Rope Climbs 9/21/16 WOD
1) For Time 200 Dubs 100 Alt. One Arm DB Squat Snatch 55/35 200 Dubs 2) All the GHD Sit Ups 9/20/16 WOD
1) 10 min to find a max Hang SQUAT Clean 2) 10 min EMOM 3 Heavy Split Jerks (from floor so dont ask) 3) "Helen" 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 21 KB Swings 53/35 12 Pull Ups 9/19/16 WOD
1) 4 Rounds for Time 500m Row 15 Push Press 135/95 2) 9-15-21 Wall Ball 20/14 T2B 9/16/16 WOD
1) 5 Max Reps Sets of Bench Press @ BW; (Women 50% BW) + Strict Pull Ups 2a) 3 Way Delt 2x15 each 2b) Strict DB OH Press 2x10-15 2c) Band Pressdowns 2x20-30 3) 15 min AMRAP 55 Bench 115/70 55 Pull Ups 55 Cal Row 55 HSPU 9/15/16 WOD
1) Back Squat + Chains 3RM 2) Superset 3x8 ea. Front Rack Step Ups GHR 3) 3 Rounds for Time 15 GHD Sit Ups 50ft Dbl. KB Front Rack Walking Lunge 53/35 5 DBall Shoulders 150/100 9/14/16 WOD
1) Kipping Pull Up Practice 2) For Time 21-15-9 OH Squat 95/65 HSPU 250m Slug Run after each round 80/50 9/13/16 WOD
1) Every 2 min for 20 min 1 Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Split Jerk 2) For Time 15 Squat Clean 155/105 12 Thruster 155/105 9 Clean and Jerk 155/105 3) 8 min AMRAP 4 Lateral Over the Bar Burpees 2 Hang Power Clean 185/125 9/12/16 WOD
1) "Always Remembered" In teams of 2-3 2001m Row Buy In then 4 Rounds 9 Rope Climbs 11 Bear Complexes 155/105 then 2977m Row Cash Out 2001=Year 4=Number of Planes 9=Month 11=Day 2977=Lives Lost 9/9/16 WOD
1) Work up to a max set of a Squat Clean with a 2 Sec pause at the knee 2) 4 Rounds for Time 10 Wall Ball 20/14 10 Power Clean 135/95 10 Front Squat 135/95 10 Push Jerk 135/95 9/8/16 WOD
1) Short "Nickman" 5 Rounds for Time 200m DB Farmers Carry M=55/35; F=35/26 10 Weighted Pull Ups 35/26 20 DB One Arm Alt. Power Snatch 55/35 U.S. Army Spc. Nicholas B. Burley, 22, of Red Bluff, California, died July 30, 2013, in Logar Province, Afghanistan, of injuries caused by indirect fire. Burley was assigned to 6th Squadron, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Stewart, Georgia. Burley is survived by his mother, Tammy Kneebone; father, Mike Burley; brothers, Michael Collins, Zachary Miller and Will Burley; and many other friends and family. Tonight at 630 will once again be Team Series workouts 9/7/16 WOD
1) 2 Rounds for Time 20 Deadlift 225/155 20 Cal Row 20 T2B 2) Team Prowler Ladder 3) 50 GHD Sit Ups 4) 3 Way Delt 2x15 ea. Tonight at 630 the teams will go for the team series. If you are not competing today or are not on a team you still need to be in the gym. 9/6/15 WOD
1) Every 2 min For 20 min 2x1 Squat Snatch + 1 OH Squat 2) 3 Rounds for Time 15 KB Swings 53/35 12 Burpee Box Jump 53/35 9 Squat Snatch 115/75 9/5/16 WOD
1) Med Ball Volleyball 2) 20 min Every 2min. Work up to a heavy set of 1 Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Split Jerk 3) 4 Rounds for Time 200m Run 5 Front Squats 185/125 1 Legless Rope Climb 9/2/16 WOD
1) 15 min to find a 2RM Bench Press 2) 2 sets of 10x Glute Ham Raises 15x 2 Way Delt 20x Close Grip Bench 3) 3 Rounds for Time 21 GHD Sit Ups 18 Back Extensions 15 C2B Pull Ups 12 Box Jumps 24/20 9 Ring Dips 9/1/16 WOD
1) Squat Clean 2RM with a 2 second Pause at the knee 2) "Mexican Jumping Bean" For Time 10-8-6-4-2 Squat Clean 165/115 100-80-60-40-20 Dubs 8/31/16 WOD
1) 250m KB Farmers Carry 53/35 2) @ 0:00 4 Rounds for Time 10 Power Snatch 95/65 10 Over the Bar Burpees @ 10:00 2 Rounds for Time 15 Power Snatch 115/75 15 Over the Bar Burpees @ 20:00 30 Power Snatch 135/95 30 Over the Bar Burpees 8/30/16 WOD
1) Squat 2RM 2) For Time 21-15-9 OH Squat 115/75 HSPU Burpee Pull Ups 8/29/16 WOD
1) 5 Rounds for Time 12 Wall Ball 20/14 9 T2B 6 Power Clean 185/125 2) 20 min AMRAP 400m Run w/ Med Ball 20/14 DBall Ground to Over Shoulder 150/100 8/26/16 WOD
1) For Time 9-6-3 Deadlift 315/225 Kipping Deficit HSPU 6/4 in Rest 5 min 2) For Time 12-8-4 Deadlift 275/185 Strict HSPU Rest 5 min 3) For Time 15-10-5 Deadlift 225/155 Kipping HSPU Rest 5 min 4) 3 Rounds for Time 10 Ring Dips 20 Cal Row 8/25/16 WOD
1) Partner Workout For Time 20-16-12-8-4 Squat Clean 135/95 60-50-40-30-20 GHD Sit Ups 2-2-2-2-2 Peg Board One person working at a time. 5 strict pull ups per person if you're unable to do the peg board. 2) Whatever "Bro" lifts you want. Curls, shrugs, triceps extensions, calf raises, rows, 12 oz. curls, etc. 8/24/16 WOD
1) Partner workout. @ 0:00 5 min AMRAP 15 Cal Row 10 T2B Rest 5 min @ 10:00 5 min AMRAP 10 Cal Row 15 KB Swings 70/53 Rest 5 min @ 20:00 5 min AMRAP 15 Cal Row 10 Thruster 95/65 Rest 5 min @ 30:00 5 min AMRAP 10 Cal Row 15 Power Clean 95/65 Scores from all AMRAP's will be added together for one score over the whole workout. Both partners working at all times and their total rounds completed added together will be the team score. 8/23/16 WOD
1) 15 min to find a Push Jerk + Split Jerk Max Set from rack 2) 5x1 ea. x 2 T2B + C2B + Bar Muscle Up 3) 5 Rounds for Time 10 DB Push Press 55/35 10 DB Reverse Lunge (5 ea. side) 55/35 10 DB Deadift 55/35 *all sets of 10 must be unbroken 8/22/16 WOD
1) 15 min to find a 3RM Back Squat 2) Bring Sally Up! 3) For Time 27-21-15-9 Wall Ball 20/14 Clean and Jerk 95/65 8/19/16 WOD
The sidewalk along Pike St. Where you turn into the gym is being jack hammered up today. The entire road is blocked off. You must go around and come in behind East of Chicago. Sorry for the inconvenience 1) 15 min to find a max set of 3 position clean (mid thigh, knee, shin) 2) "Short McGhee" 20 min AMRAP 5 Deadlifts 275/185 13 Push Ups 9 Box Jumps 24/20 Corporal Ryan C. McGhee, 21, was killed in action on May 13, 2009 by small arms fire during combat in central Iraq. He served with 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment of Fort Benning, Ga. This was his fourth deployment, his first to Iraq. Ryan was engaged to Ashleigh Mitchell of Fredericksburg, VA. He is survived by his father Steven McGhee of Myrtle Beach S.C., his mother Sherrie Battle McGhee, and his brother Zachary. We're doing a short version of this workout today (real version is 30 min) so we can lift before. 8/18/16 WOD
1) 30min EMOM 1: Farmers Carry Handles Down /Back 45s/25s 2: Battle Ropes Max 30 sec 3: 1 Peg Board Ascent 4: Russian Twist max 30 sec 45/25 5: Log Clean and Jerk Max Reps 30 sec 6: Slug Back Squat max reps 30 sec 80/50 8/17/16 WOD
1) 2 man Partner workout 40-30-20-10 C2B Pull Ups (partner must dead hang) Wall Ball 20/14 (Partner must HS Hold) Rest 5 min 2) 2 man Partner workout 40-30-20-10 Back Ex. 25/15 (Partner must plank) Wall Ball 20/14 (partner must Wall Sit) 8/16/16 WOD
1) 15 min to find a max 3 Position Snatch (Hip, Above Knee, Shin) 2) Every 2 min for 10 min 3 Full Snatch @ 75% of #1 + 200m Sprint 3) 8 min AMRAP 3, 6, 9. etc. Power Snatch 115/75 T2B 8/15/16 WOD
2 Man Team Workout for Time 1) " Randy" 75 Power Snatches @ 75/55 then 3 Rounds for Time 20 GHD Sit Ups 10 Front Squat 185/125 5 Rope Climbs then 4 Rounds for time 20 Cal Row 15 Shoulder Press 95/65 One Person working at a time. Each must do at least one rep of everything each round. 8/12/16 WOD
1) 15 min to find a 3RM Bench + 25 BPA 2) "TK" 20 min AMRAP 8 Strict Pull Ups 8 Box Jump 36/30 12 KB Swing 70/53 Noon will be the last class of the day today. No 430 or 530 classes. U.S. Army Major Thomas E. Kennedy, 35, of West Point, New York, assigned to Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, based in Fort Carson, Colorado, died on August 8, 2012, of wounds suffered when an insurgent detonated a suicide vest in Kunar province, Afghanistan. He is survived by his wife Kami, son Brody, daughter Margaret, parents George and Patricia, and brothers John and George. 8/11/16 WOD
1) Warm Up 5 min AMRAP 1 Muscle Snatch 45/35 2 Power Snatch 3 Squat Snatch 4 OH Squat 5 T2B 2) 10 min to find a max set of Power Snatch + Squat Snatch 3) For Time 21-15-9 Wall Ball 20/14 T2B HSPU 8/10/16 WOD
1) Warm Up 5 min AMRAP 20 Dubs 10 Cal Row 5 Deadlift 135/95 2) Partner Workout 3 Rounds for Time 60 Dubs 30 Cal Row 15 Deadlift 245/165 Both working at a time and both must do all the work. 3) 100 GHD Sit Ups not for time 8/9/16 WOD
1) Warm Up 5 min AMRAP 5 Split Jerks 45/35 5 each side Cossack Squat 5 Burpees 2) 10 min to find a max set of Power Clean + Squat Clean 3) For Time 50-40-30-20-10 Air Squat 5-4-3-2-1 Clean and Jerk 225/155 8/8/16 WOD
"31 Heroes" 31 min AMRAP 2 man teams (please have a partner!) 8 Thrusters 155/105 6 Rope Climbs 11 Box Jumps 30/24 One person must be running 400m with a sandbag the whole time. When one partner completes the run they switch and the runner picks up right where their partner left off. Total rounds completed as a team is your score. 8/5/16 WOD
1) Bench 5RM + 25 BPA 2) 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 20 KB Swing 53/35 15 Bench Press 155/85 10 GHD Sit Ups 5 DBall Shoulders 150/90 8/4/16 WOD
1) Deadlift 5RM 2) 6 min EMOM 3x DL @ 75% + 50m Sprint 3) "The Chief" 5x3 min Rounds With 1 min Rest Between Rounds 3 Power Clean 135/95 6 Push Up 9 Air Squat 8/3/16 WOD
1) "Fight Gone Bad!" 3x5 min rounds with 1 min rest between rounds. 1 min at each station. Score is reps completed each round Wall Ball 20/14 SDLHP 75/55 Box Jump 20 Push Press 75/55 Cal Row 8/2/16 WOD
1) 10 min to find a max Power Clean + Squat Clean 2) Back Squat 5RM 3) "Elizabeth" 21-15-9 Power Clean 135/95 Ring Dip 8/1/16 WOD
1) 10 min to find a max set of 1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch 2) Partner Workout For Time 42 Thrusters 135/95 21 C2B Pull Ups 36 Squat Snatch 135/95 18 C2B Pull Ups 30 Thrusters 135/95 15 C2B Pull Ups 24 Squat Snatch 135/95 12 C2B Pull Ups 18 Thrusters 135/95 9 C2B Pull Ups 12 Squat Snatch 135/95 6 C2B Pull Ups 6 Thrusters 135/95 3 C2B Pull Ups 7/29/16 WOD
1) For Time Knockout Style 10 Squat Cleans 165/115 by the 2 min mark 8 Squat Cleans 185/125 by the 4 min mark 6 Squat Cleans 195/135 by the 6 min mark 4 Squat Cleans 205/145 by the 8 min mark 2 Squat Cleans 225/155 by the 11 min mark 2) For Time (from rack) 12 Strict HSPU 15 Back Squats 205/145 20 Burpees 9 Strict HSPU 18 Front Squat 185/125 20 Burpees 6 Strict HSPU 21 OH Squats 155/105 20 Burpees 20 min Time Cap 7/28/16 WOD
1) "Mini Chipper" 50 Wall Ball 20/14 to an 11/10 ft target 25 MB GHD Sit Ups 20/14 Run to BBall Court and back with ball 2) "Rope Chipper" 4 Rounds 250m Row 50 Dubs then 250m Row 100ft Rope Sled Pull 6x45/4x45 7/27/16 WOD
1) "Double DT" 10 Rounds for Time 12 Deadlift 155/105 9 Hang Power Clean 155/105 6 Push Jerk 155/105 2) Bro Cornhole Do curls and sit ups for every point scored 7/26/16 WOD
Today is the One Year Anniversary of classes starting in the new gym. This is what it looked like on the first day of work on it. 1) "100%" 40 Box Jump Over 30/24 20 DBall Shoulder 150/100 2) "The Snail" 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 2 Rope Climbs (Rxd is half way up legless) 5 Tire Flips 2 Rope Climbs 7/25/16 1) Partner WOD "Monster Mash" 5 Rounds of 15 KB Swing 70/53 15 Burpees then 2 Rounds of 800m Run 60 Air Squats 30 Pull Ups 15 Power Snatch 155/105 then 3 Rounds of 75 Dubs 200m Prowler Push (empty) One person working at a time. Everyone does the run together. 37 min Time Cap. 7/22/16 WOD
1) In true CrossFit tradition of being prepared for the unknown and unknowable today's workout will not be posted and the board will be covered until the workout. All you get to know is that you will need a partner. Any peeking will result in you being asked to leave. Good luck and may the WOD's be ever in your favor. 7/21/16 WOD
1) Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk Complex. Work Up to a max set from rack. 2) 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 20 KB Swing 53/35 15 C2B 10 Push Jerk 155/105 18 min Time Cap 7/20/16 WOD
1) "Cali Club" 8 Deadlift 365/255 40 GHD Sit Ups 80 Dubs 4 Rope Climbs 80 Wall balls 20/14 4 Rope Climbs 80 Dubs 40 GHD Sit Ups 8 Deadlift 365/255 7/19/16 WOD
1) For Time 22 T2B 22 Clean and Jerk 95/65 80m Sprint Out 80m Sprint Back 2) 3 Rounds for time 400m Run 15 Knees to Elbows 15 Rt. Arm KB Snatch 53/35 15 Lt. Arm KB Snatch 53/35 7/18/16 WOD
1) 10 min to find a 1RM Squat Clean 2) 3 Rounds for Time 12 Thrusters 115/80 6 Bar Muscle Ups 3 DBall Shoulder 150/100 3) 5 min AMRAP 50 GHD Sit Ups Max Cal Row 7/15/16 WOD
1) 6 min EMOM 3x Power Snatch @ 85% 2) 6 min EMOM 2x Power Clean and Jerk @ 85% 3) 5 Rounds for Time 5 Squat Clean Thruster 135/95 10 KB Swing 70/53 7/14/16 WOD
1) Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk from rack work up to a max set 2) 3 Rounds for Time wearing a wt. vest 400m Run carrying a Med Ball 20/14 20 Wall Ball 20/14 3 Rope Climbs 7/13/16 WOD
1) Partner Workout For Time 60 Cal Row 60 Box Jump over 24/20 60 Power Snatch 95/65 60 OH Step Back Lunge 95/65 60 SDLHP 95/65 60 Box Jump Over 24/20 60 Cal Row Please get arrange a partner in advance if you can. If not don't quit the gym over it just come on in. 7/12/16 WOD
1) HSPU Practice 2) Front Squat 2RM (from rack) 3) 9-15-21 Front Squat (from ground) 155/105 HSPU D Ball Shoulder 7/11/16 WOD
1) 10 min EMOM 1x Squat Clean + Split Jerk start @ 60% work up to a heavy set for the day 2) For Time 40 Pull Ups 30 Clean and Jerks 115/75 20 Bar Facing Burpees 7/8/16 WOD
1) 6 min EMOM 3x Power Snatch @ 75% 2) 6 min EMOM 3x Power Clean and Jerk @ 75% 3) 20 min AMRAP "American Dream" 1,2,3,4 etc as high as you can in 20 min Power Clean 205/145 Muscle Up 7/7/16 WOD
1) 12 min EMOM Even: Farmers Carry Down/Back Odd: 8 OH Axle Bar Lunge 115/75 2) For Time 42-30-18 Cal Row 21-15-9 One Arm DB Squat Snatch 55/35 7/6/16 WOD
1) Med Ball Volleyball Warm Up 2) Hang Squat Clean 2RM 3) For Time 21-15-9 Squat Clean 135/95 T2B 4) 3x Supersets of 30 sec GHD Supine Hold 60 sec GHD Prone Hold 7/5/16 WOD
1) 40 min AMRAP "Heroes" Partner Workout "Randy" 75 Snatches 75/55 then "Wittman" 7 Rounds 15 KBS 53/35 15 Power Clean 95/65 15 Box Jump 24/20 then "DT" 5 Rounds 12 Deadlift 155/105 9 Hang Power Clean 155/105 6 Push Jerk 155/105 then "Jason" 100-75-50-25 Air Squats 5-10-15-20 Muscle Ups One person working at a time. Bring a partner. If you complete all of the work inside 40 min just start over and keep going till the 40 min mark. 7/1/16 WOD
1) 10 min to find a max Power Snatch 2) 10 min to find a max Power Clean 3) 20 min AMRAP 15 Clean and Jerks 135/95 1 min Rest 15 Clean and Jerks 155/105 1 min Rest 15 Clean and Jerks 185/125 1 min Rest 15 Clean and Jerks 225/145 1 min Rest 15 Clean and Jerks 245/155 1 min Rest 15 Clean and Jerks 265/165 Its Friday before 4th of July Weekend and my birthday. Lets lift heavy and have fun. Someone bring beer. 6/30/16
1) Partner WOD 200 Dubs while partner hangs from pull up bar 2000m Row while partner holds KB above waist 53/44 100 Dubs while partner holds plate overhead 35/25 1000m Row while partner performs a wall sit 100 GHD Sit Ups while partner does a plank One person working at a time while the other holds. Must be holding for reps to count. Arrange a partner via text or don't come 6/29/16 WOD
1) Death by Strict HSPU directly into Death by Kipping HSPU 2) 7 Rounds for Time 7 Squat Clean 135/95 7 Bar Facing Burpees 7 C2B Pull Ups 6/28/16 WOD
1) Back Squat 1RM 2) 5 min EMOM 100m Shuttle Sprint (50x2) 3) 12 min AMRAP 1 Rope Climb 100m Shuttle Sprint 1 Stone/Ball Shoulder 6/27/16 WOD
1) 5 min AMRAP 5 Power Clean 95/65 5 Thruster 95/65 2) 10 min AMRAP 3 Deadlifts 315/205 1 Round of Cindy 3) 7 min AMRAP 7 Lateral Over the Bar Burpees 7 Hang Power Snatch 75/55 5 min rest between workouts 6/24 16 WOD
1) Bench 5RM +5x20 BPA 2) 4 Rounds for Time 400m Run 21 DB Bench 55/30 15/12 Cal Row 9 T2B 6/23/16 WOD
1) 12 min EMOM 1st 6 min 3x Squat Snatch @ 65% 2nd 6 min 3x Squat Clean @ 65% 2) "Mary XXX" 20 min AMRAP 10 HSPU 20 Pistols 30 Pull Ups 15 HSPU 30 Pistols 45 Pull Ups 20 HSPU 40 Pistols 60 HSPU 25 HSPU 50 Pistols 75 Pull Ups 30 HSPU 60 Pistols 90 Pull Ups 6/22/16 WOD
1) Partner Workout 3 Rounds for Time 400m Prowler Push 50/30 50 Power Snatch 95/65 10 Bar Muscle Ups Partners may divide up work however they choose but at least one rep must be done by each person on each exercise and both must push the sled each round. 2) Accumulate 2min L-Sit Hold 5 Burpees every break 6/21/16 WOD
1) 17 min AMRAP 50 Cal Row 50 Wall Ball 50 Shoulder to OH 115/75 50 Box Jumps 24/20 2) Accumulate 75 GHDSU not for time 6/20/16 WOD
1) Squat Clean + Front Squat + Split Jerk 2) For Time 21-15-9 C2B Pull Ups HSPU RIng Dips Bench 135/95 6/17/16 WOD
1) Bench 5RM 2) 5 Rounds for Time 10 Power Clean 135/95 10 Burpees 3) 10 min EMOM Even: 10 Bench 135/85 Odd: 15/12 Cal Row 6/16/16 WOD
1) 9 min EMOM 1x Power Snatch @ 75% 2) 9 min EMOM 1x Power Clean @ 75% 3) 5 Rounds for Time 3x Strict HSPU + 3x Kipping HSPU 6x DBall/Stone/Slug Shoulder 9x T2B 12x One Arm DB Snatch 55/35 6/15/16 WOD
1) 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 12 Deadlifts 225/155 21 Box Jumps 24/20 2) Partner Workout 42-30-18 Cal Row GHD Sit Up 6/14/16 WOD
1) 10 min EMOM: Full Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch 2) For Time 21-15-9 Hang Squat Snatch 115/75 C2B Pull Up 6/13/16 WOD
1) Max Set of Squat Clean+ Front Squat + Split Jerk 2) For Time 10-9-8 Bar Muscle Up DB Cluster 65/45 3) For Time 21-15-9 Cal Row KB Swing 53/35 6/10/16 WOD
1) Hungry Hungry Hippos Warm Up 2) Back Squat 2RM 3) 6 Rounds For Time 3 Rounds 21/18 Cal Row 7 Power Snatch 135/95 then 3 Rounds 21/18 Cal Row 7 Clean n Jerk 135/95 6//9/16 WOD
1) For Time 50/40 Strict Pull Ups Run 400m every time you break 2) Partner Workout 4 Rounds not for Time Dog Sled Push Down /Back 135/90 10 Stone Shoulders 6/7/16 WOD
1) 10 min EMOM Touch n Go 2RM Squat Snatch 2) For Time 21-15-9 Hang Power Snatch 135/95 Front Squat 135/95 Jerks 135/95 Bar Muscle Up HSPU 6/6/16 WOD
1) 10 min EMOM Touch n Go 2RM Squat Clean 2) 3 Rounds for Time 5 C2B (Rx+ Muscle Up) 10 Squat Clean 135/95 20 Box Jump 24/20 3) 2 Rounds for Time 21 Wall Ball 20/14 15 T2B 9 Power Clean 135/95 6/3/16 WOD
1) Touch n Go 2RM Squat Snatch 2) Snatch Pulls 4x3 @ 115% 3) For Time 27-18-9 Power Snatch 95/65 Burpee Box Jump 24/20 6/2/16 WOD
1) For Time 50 Dubs 25 Thrusters 95/65 50 Dubs 25 C2B Pull Ups 50 Dubs 25 Thrusters 95/65 50 Dubs 5 Rope Climbs 2) Stone/Slug Shoulder 2x1 min max reps 3) Back Ex. 3x20 6/1/16 WOD
1) Handstand Push Up Practice 2) Touch n Go 2RM Squat Clean 3) For Time 30-20-10 One Arm Overhead DB Lunge 50/30 Hang Power Clean 135/95 HSPU 5/31/16 WOD
1) Extended Mobility 2) 3 Rounds for Time 30 Cal Row 30 GHD Sit Ups 3) Sled Drags for leg recovery 5/27/16 WOD
Today we honor this titan of a man and all those who have given their lives for the freedoms we all enjoy. God Bless America. 5/26/16 WOD
1) For Time Run 800m or Row 1000m 30 Pull Ups 30 Push Ups 800m Run or 1000m Row 20 C2B Pull Ups 20 Kipping HSPU 800m Run or 1000m Row 10 Bar Muscle Ups 10 Strict HSPU 2) Tire Flip Races 5/25/16 WOD
Partner Workout Day! Arrange a partner via text or don't come, (Just kidding) but seriously. 1) 17 min AMRAP Partner "Kalsu" Max Reps Thrusters 135/95 Every min on the minute both people must complete 5 Burpees. Your score is thrusters completed as a team. Burpees do not count towards your overall score. Thrusters may be split however between partners. 2) Partner Workout 5 Rounds for Time 10 One Arm Alt. DB Snatch 75/50 (each) 100m Sprint (together) 5/24/16 WOD
1) Snatch 3RM Touch n Go 2) Snatch Pulls 3x3 @ 110% 3) 20 min AMRAP 5 C2B Pull Ups 10 Ring Dips 15 OH Squat 95/65 5/23/16 WOD
1) Touch n Go 3 RM Squat Clean 2) For Time 800m Run 30 Strict Press 95/65 800m Run 25 Push Press 135/95 800m Run 20 Push Jerk 155/105 If you have a weight vest or body armor wear it. 5/20/16 WOD
1) "CrossFit Total" Squat 1RM Strict Press 1RM Deadlift 1RM It's Friday, we made it. Come lift heavy and crank up the old school hip hop jams. 5/19/16 WOD
1) For Time 40 SDLHP 135/95 20 Hang Squat Snatch 135/95 10 Muscle Up 5 Rope Climbs 2) For Time 25 Stone/Slug Shoulders 5/18/16 WOD
1) 3x400m Sprint 1:1 Work to Rest Ratio 2) For Time 100 Wall Ball 20/14 50 Pull Ups 8 min Cap 2 min Rest 3) 4 Rounds for Time 20 Pistols 10 Power Clean 115/80 12 min Cap 5/17/16 WOD
1) Touch n Go 3RM Snatch 2) Snatch Pulls 3x3 @ 105% 3) 3 Rounds for time 400m Run 40 GHD Sit Ups 7 Deadlift 315/205 5/16/16 WOD
1) Touch n Go Squat Clean 3RM 2) 11 min AMRAP 2 min 10 Squat Cleans 135/95 4 min 8 Squat Cleans 155/105 6 min 6 Squat Cleans 185/125 8 min 4 Squat Cleans 205/145 11 min 2 Squat Cleans 225/155 (This is a knockout workout. If you fail to complete the number of reps inside the time cap you're out) 3) 5 Rounds for Time 15 Wall Ball 20/14 12 Power Clean 95/65 9 Lat. Over Bar Burpees 5/12/16 WOD
1) 10 Rounds for Time 4 C2B Pull Ups 8 HSPU 12 Hang KB Smatch 53/35 2) Partner Workout Prowler Suicides + Partner L Sit Holds 5/11/16 WOD
1) For Time 1000m Row/Bike 100ft HS Walk 10 OH Squat 155/105 500m Row/Bike 50 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20 5 OH Squats 155/105 Time Cap 20 min 2) For Time 21-15-9 Thrusters 95/65 3-2-1 Rope Climb 5/10/16 WOD
1) Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch + OH Squat Work up to a max set 2) 11 min AMRAP 2 min-10 Squat Snatch 95/65 4 min-8 Squat Snatch 115/75 6 min-6 Squat Snatch 135/95 8 min-4 Squat Snatch 155/105 11 min-2 Squat Snatch 185/125 This is a knockout workout. If you complete the work under each time cap you get to keep going, if not, you're out. 3) 3 Rounds for Time 50ft KB Front Rack Walking Lunge 53/35 15 T2B 15 KB Swing 53/35 5/9/16 WOD
1) Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Split Jerk 2) "Nutts" For time: 10 Handstand push-ups 15 Deadlift 250/140 25 Box jumps 30/24 50 Pull-ups 100 Wallball 20/14 200 Double-unders Run 400 meters with a 45/25lb plate Lieutenant Andrew Richard Nuttall, 30, from the 1st Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (1 PPCLI), based in Edmonton, Alberta, serving as a member of the 1 PPCLI Battle Group was killed by an improvised explosive device that detonated during a joint foot patrol near the village of Nakhonay in Panjwaii District, about 25 km southwest of Kandahar City on December 23, 2009. He is survived by his parents, Richard and Ethel Jane Nuttall. 5/6/16 WOD
1) Back Squat 10RM 2) For Time @ 0:00-10:00 800m Run 20 Power Clean 135/95 5 Bar Muscle Up (Rx+=10) 3) For Time @ 10:00-20:00 750m Row 15 Power Clean 155/105 5 Bar Muscle Up (Rx+=10) 4) For Time @ 20:00-30:00 5 Bar Muscle Up (Rx+=10) 10 Power Clean 185/125 75 Cal Row 5/5/16 WOD
1) For Time 1000m Row 10 Rope Climbs 800m Run 8 Rope Climbs 60 GHD Sit Ups 6 Rope Climbs 40 Cal Bike/Row 4 Rope Climbs 20 Burpees 2 Rope Climbs 5/4/16 WOD
1) Partner Workout For Time 3 Rounds for Time 1000m Row (Divided) 800m Run (Both) 3 min Rest 2) For Time Partner Prowler Suicide Partner must be swinging KB 53/35 during the sled push 5/3/16 WOD
1) Kipping Pull Up Practice 2) Hang Snatch + Full Snatch + OH Squat 3) 4 Rounds for Time 21 Box Jumps24/20 15 Pull Ups 9 DB Clusters 55/35 5/2/16 WOD
1) Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Split Jerk Complex. Work up to a max set for the day. 2) 10 min AMRAP 2 Clean 225/155 4 L Sit Pull Up 6 HSPU 3) For Time Row 500m Run 400m 30 Jerks 135/95 4/29/16 WOD
1) "The Other Total" Clean 1RM Bench 1RM OH Squat 1RM Add all the lbs lifted together for your Total time permitting 2) "Grace" 30 Clean and Jerks for Time It's FRIDAY! We made it people! Come lift some heavy s***, Crank up the music and get after it!. You can have up to 5 PRs today for clean, bench, OHS, total lbs and Grace if we have time to get to it! 4/28/16 WOD
1) 12 min AMRAP 12 DB Deadlifts 55/35 9 DB Hang Squat Clean 55/35 6 DB Push Jerk 55/35 3 Bar Muscle Up 2) 4x4min Rounds with 1 min Rest between Rounds 15 Wall Ball 15 HSPU Max Cal Row Your Score is the number of calories rowed each round 4/27/16 WOD
1) Front Squat 1RM + 20 Sec L Sit Hold After each set 2) For Time 50 Cal Row 40 Front Squat 135/95 30 T2B 20 Jerks 135/95 10 Muscle Ups 3) GHR 4x6-8 4/26/16 WOD
1) 20 min AMRAP Buy In: 4 laps around the 400m Run track then 15 Pull Ups 10 Deadlift 115/75 5 Power Clean 115/75 At the 20 min mark you have 6 min to find a Snatch 1RM (Power or Full but not crappy muscle snatches with horrible technique just cause your ass doesn't want to squat) Today's workout is a true test of fitness. You must be in shape to run. Have strategy to not go too fast or too slow. Be able to do bodyweight movements and move barbells quickly. And then have strength, technique, and cojones to throw heavy weight over your head when you are tired. This workout may become Piercing CrossFit's trademark workout. Good Luck. 4/25/16 WOD
1) Hang Clean + Full Clean + Split Jerk Complex. Work up to a max set for the day 2) 4 Rounds for Time 4 Clean and Jerks 185/125 4 Rope Climbs 3) For Time 3-6-9-12 Clean and Jerk 135/95 Burpees Over the Bar T2B 4/22/16 WOD
1) Masters Qualifier Event 3 15 min AMRAP 55 Dubs 15 C2B Pull Ups 5 Hang Power Clean 155/105 2) 3x5 min Rounds with 1 min Rest Between Rounds Russian KB Swings 80/62 Log Clean n Press 115/95 Sandbag Shoulder 75/50 Stone Shoulder 115/90 Axel Bar Front Rack Lunge 95/65 4/21/16 WOD
1) 2 Rounds for Time 400m Sprint 2 min Rest 200m Sprint 1 min Rest 100m Sprint 30 Sec Rest 2) Partner Workout 8 min AMRAP 5-10-15-20 etc Wall Ball 20/14 HS Hold 3) Partner Workout 8 min AMRAP 5-10-15-20 etc GHD Sit Up Plank Hold 4) Partner Workout 8 min AMRAP 5-10-15-20 etc Pull Up Static Hold from Bar 4/20/16 WOD
1) Bench 2RM + 200m Sprint + 25 Band Pull Aparts 2) For Time 27-18-9 Cal Row DB Step Up 24/20'; 45/30 Ring Dips 3) Glute Ham Raises 4x6-8 4/19/16 WOD
1) Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch 2) For Time 21 Deadlift 225/155 15 Front Squat 185/125 9 Power Snatch 155/105 3) For Time 9-15-21 Bar Facing Burpees T2B OHS 115/75 12 min Time Cap so move your ass 4/18/16 WOD
1) Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean Work Up to a max set for the day 2) For Time 12 Squat Clean 185/125 9 Thruster 185/125 6 Clean and Jerk 185/125 3) 12 min AMRAP 12 Box Jump 24/20 12 DB Push Press 35/25 12 Pull Up 4/15/16 WOD
1) 2 Person Partner Workout For Time Row 100 Cal 400m Farmers Carry 53/35 Row 75 Cal 400m Sled Drag 135/90 Row 50 Cal 400m Overhead Plate Carry 45/25 Row 25 Cal 400m Sandbag Carry 75/50 Partner Must Hold KBs at sides or plate overhead during the row. On the 400m carries both must go and share the carry. 4/14/16 WOD
1) Front Squat 2RM 2) 10 min EMOM Even-15/12 Cal Row Odd-10 Alt. One Arm DB Snatches 55/35 3) For Time 21-15-9 Thruster 75/55 3-2-1 Rope Climb 4/13/16 WOD
1) For Time 3 Rounds 30 Dubs 4 Strict Press 135/95 3 min Rest 3 Rounds 30 Dubs 8 Push Press 135/95 3 min Rest 3 Rounds 30 Dubs Push Jerk 135/95 2) Team Prowler Races 4/12/16 WOD
1) Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch Complex. Work Up to a max set 2) 3 Rounds for Time 8 Power Snatch 115/75 7 Bar Muscle Up 400m Run 4/11/16 WOD
1) Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean Complex. Work to a max set 2) 3 Rounds for Time 7 Squat Cleans 155/105 14 HSPU 21 Wall Balls 20/14 (11ft target for men 10 ft for women) 4/6/16 WOD
1) Snatch 2RM 2) For Time 100 Dubs 50 OA DB Snatch 55/35 25 OH Squats 95/65 3) Strict Pull Ups 5x5 4/5/16 WOD
1) Push Jerk + Split Jerk Complex Work Up to a max set from the rack 2) 6 Rounds for Time 3 Push Jerk 155/105 (from ground) 2 Rounds of "Cindy" 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats 1 Rope Climb 4/4/16 WOD
1) Burpee Counter Warm Up 2) Squat 2RM 3) 3 Man Teams for Time 21 Bear Crawls (24ft down and back=1. One man sits out each trip. Must be in sync.) 150 Back Squats @ 115/80 (One man must be in a ring push up plank hold while squats are performed.) 15 Bear Crawls 75/65/55 Cal Row (if 3 males 75 cal, mixed group 65 cal, all female group 55 cal. One man must hold a chin over the bar pull up while rowing is performed.) 9 Bear Crawls 30 min Time Cap 4/1/16 WOD
1) Stone Carry (Round or square) to the old gym and back. You must climb the stairs with your stone and then at the top kneel and say a prayer for the incredible place the old gym was. 2) Marathon Row (42,194m) Upon returning from stone carry complete a marathon row. Then 3) "Murph" 1 mi Run 100 Pull Ups 200 Push Ups 300 Air Squats 1 mi Run wearing a weight vest or body armor 4) Cool Down "The Seven" 7 Rounds For Time of 7 HSPU 7 Thruster 135/95 7 Knees to Elbows 7 Deadlift 245/165 7 Burpees 7 KB Swings 70/53 7 Pull Ups 5) Post Workout Part of CrossFit's creed is "Regularly Learn and Play New Sports." So Wrestle a Grizzly Bear for Time P.S. Happy April Fools Day! 3/31/16 WOD
1) Squat Clean 2RM 2) 3 Rounds for Time 20 HSPU 10 Front Squat 155/105 3/30/16 WOD
1) "Cement Mixer" 7 Rounds New Round Starts every 4 min 400m Run + 12 T2B 2) Prowler + Planks 3/29/16 WOD
1) Kipping Pull Up Practice 2) Squat 2RM 3) 4 Rounds for Time 20 Russian KB Swings 70/53 15 Wall Balls 20/14 10 C2B Pull Ups 3/28/16 WOD
1) Push Jerk + Split Jerk Complex. Work up to a max set from rack. 2a) Strict Pull Ups 4x5 2b) GHD Sit Ups 4x15 3) 4 Rounds for Time 15 Box Jumps 24/20 12 Deadlift 155/105 9 Hang Power Clean 6 Push Jerk The only class redoing 16.5 is the 530pm Class. 3/25/16 WOD
1) "16.5" For Time 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Thrusters 95/65 Bar Facing Burpees 3/24/16 WOD
1) Touch n Go Power Snatch 3RM 2) Touch n Go Power Clean 3RM 3) For Time 9-15-21 Cal Row Power Snatch 115/75 Tomorrow night is the final night of the 2016 Open! I hope everyone can make it and then plan to go out after to celebrate completing the Open! 3/23/16 WOD
1) 5 Rounds for Time 50 Dubs 15-12-9-6-3 Thrusters 75/55 2) 3 Rounds for Time 12 OH Squat 115/75 12 Box Jump 24/20 3/22/16 WOD
1) Squat 3RM 2) Partner WOD 5 Rounds each for Time 200m Sprint 18/15 Cal Row 12 Burpees Partner Rests until run and row are completed each round. 3/21/16 WOD
1) From Rack: Push Jerk + Split Jerk Complex. Work Up to a max set 2a) Strict Pull Ups 5x5 2b) GHD Sit Up 3x15 3) 12 min AMRAP 3-6-9-12-15 etc Thruster 95/65 Box Jump Over 24/20 530 pm Class is a 16.4 redo 3/18/16 WOD
1) "16.4" 13 min AMRAP 55 Deadlift 225/155 55 Wall Ball 20/14 55 Cal Row 55 HSPU 3/17/16 WOD
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!! 1) For Time 1 Round 30 Hang Power Cleans 115/75 15 Ring Dips 3 Rope Climbs then 2 Rounds 20 Hang Power Cleans 115/75 10 Ring Dips 2 Rope Climbs then 3 Rounds 10 Hang Power Cleans 115/75 5 Ring Dips 1 Rope Climb 3/16/16 WOD
1) For Time 1 Round of 100 Dubs 50 Wall Ball 20/14 25 Push Press 95/65 then 2 Rounds of 60 Dubs 30 Wall Ball 20/14 15 Push Press 95/65 then 3 Rounds of 40 Dubs 20 Wall Ball 20/14 10 Push Press 95/65 3/15/16 WOD
1) Partner Interval Row 50-40-30-20-10 Cal Row 2) 3 Rounds for Time 20 Cal Row 15 T2B 10 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20 3/14/16 WOD
1) Squat 3RM 2) Teams of 2 For Time 50 Clean and Jerk 135/95 50 C2B Pull Ups 100 Wall Balls 50 HSPU 50 Squat Snatch 135/95 Only One person working at a time. However you do not have to perform the exercises in the listed order or perform a certain number of reps per person. Arrange a partner via text message before class and strategize based on your strengths and weaknesses. 530 PM Class is 16.3 Redo 3/11/16 WOD
1) 16.3 7 min AMRAP 10 Power Snatch 75/55 3 Bar Muscle Up 3/10/16 WOD 1) Extended Mobility 2) 3 Rounds for Time 18 Cal Row 15 Wall Ball 20/14 12 Power Clean 115/75 9 HSPU 3/9/16 WOD
1) Muscle Up Drills 2) 4 Rounds 40:20 Work:Rest For Reps of Push Jerk 135/95 Deadlift 225/155 Burpee Box Jump 24/20 Cal Row Wall Ball 20/14 3/8/16 WOD
1) For Time 9-15-21 KB Swing 70/53 Burpees Rest 10 min 2) For Time 21-15-9 Power Snatch 115/75 Thruster 115/75 3/4/16 WOD
16.2 1) For Reps or Time 4 min to Complete 25 T2B 50 Dubs 15 Squat Clean 135/95 if completed you receive an additional 4 min to complete 25 T2B 50 Dubs 13 Squat Clean 185/115 if completed you receive an additional 4 min tom complete 25 T2B 50 Dubs 11 Squat Clean 225/145 if completed you receive an additional 4 min to complete 25 T2B 50 Dubs 9 Squat Clean 275/175 if completed you receive an additional 4 min to complete 25 T2B 50 Dubs 7 Squat Clean 315/205 3/3/16 WOD
1) Extended Mobility Time 2) For Time Dubs 100-80-60-40-20 GHD Sit Up 25-20-15-10-5 3/2/16 WOD
1) Muscle Up Drills 2) For Time 60-30 Box Jumps 24/20 Burpees DB Step Ups 45/30 3/1/16 WOD
1) 1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 OH Squat Every 1:30 for 9 min 2) For Time 9-15-21 Cal Row Power Snatch 115/75 2/29/16 WOD
1) Every 1:30 for 9 min: 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Split Jerk work up to a max set 2) 3 Rounds for time 15 KB Swings 70/53 12 CnJ 115/75 9 HSPU 6 T2B 3 Rope Climbs 2/26/16 WOD
16.1 1) 20 min AMRAP 25 Ft. Overhead Walking Lunge 95/65 8 Bar Facing Burpees 25 Ft. Overhead Walking Lunge 95/65 8 C2B Pull Ups IT'S TIME!!!! WEIGH INS TODAY!!
Live 16.1 Announcement Tonight 8pm! 1) Extended Mobility/Stretching Time 2) For Time 90 Dubs 9 C2B Pull Ups 9 Push Ups 9 DB Squat Clean Thrusters 65/45 80 Dubs 8 C2B Pull Ups 8 Push Ups 8 DB Squat Clean Thrusters 65/45 70 Dubs 7 C2B Pull Ups 7 Push Ups 7 DB Squat Clean Thrusters 65/45 2/24/16 WOD
WEIGH INS TOMORROW! 1) 3 Man Teams 25 Min AMRAP 100 Cal Row 50 Clean and Jerk 135/95 100 Cal Row 50 CnJ 155/105 100 Cal Row 50 CnJ 185/95 100 Cal Row Max reps CnJ 205/145 2) GHD Sit ups/Ab Wheel/Plank/L Sit 2/23/16 WOD
1) Every 1:30 for 9 min 1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 OHS 2) 12 min AMRAP 30 Dubs 10 Power Snatch 95/65 30 Dubs 11 Power Snatch 30 Dubs 12 Power Snatch etc. add one snatch per round and go as high on the ladder as you can 2/22/16
1) Handstand Walk Practice 2) For 9 min every 1:30 work up to a max set 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Split Jerk 3) 2 Man Teams for Time 200 Dubs 100 Ring Dips 50 Squat Clean 135/95 10 Rope Climbs 2/19/16 WOD
1) 1RM Deadlift 2) 4 min AMRAP 30 Burpees over the Bar AMRAP Snatches 75/55 4 min Rest 4 min AMRAP 20 Burpees over the Bar AMRAP Snatches 95/65 4 min Rest 10 Burpees over the Bar AMRAP Snatches 135/95 2.18/16 WOD
1) Muscle Up Practice 2) "15.4" 8 min AMRAP 3 Power Clean 185/125 3 HSPU 3 Power Clean 6 HSPU 3 Power Clean 9 HSPU 6 Power Clean 12 HSPU 6 Power Clean 15 HSPU 6 Power Clean 18 HSPU etc. as high as you can go. Format is add 3 HSPU each round and after 3 rounds add 3 Power Cleans per round 3) 12 min EMOM 1: 5 Strict Pull Ups 2: 1-3 Muscle Ups or 5 Practice from Ground 3: 1 Rope Climb 2/17/16 WOD
1) 9 min EMOM Max Set of 3 Touch n Go Power Snatch + 1 OHS 2) 9 min EMOM Max Set of 3 Touch n Go Power Clean + 1 Split Jerk 3) 3 Rounds for Time 15 Bar Facing Burpees 15 Push Jerks 135/95 2/16/16 WOD
1) "15.5" For Time 27-21-15-9 Cal Row Thruster 95/65 if time permitting 2) 10 min EMOM 1: 5 Strict HSPU 2: 5 Strict Pull Up 2/15/16 WOD
1) Handstand Walk Practice 2) 12 min to find a 1RM Squat Clean 3) For Time 30-20-10 Hang Power Clean 95/65 Wall Ball 20/14 Pull Ups 2/12/16 WOD
1) 15 min to find a 1RM Back Squat 2) "The Chief" 5x3 min Rounds w/ 1 min rest between rounds 3 Power Clean 135/95 6 Push Ups 9 Air Squats 2/11/16 WOD
1) 10 min EMOM 1: 5 Strict HSPU 2: 5 Strict Pull UPs 2) "Fight Gone Bad!" 3x5 min Rounds. 1 min Each Station. 1 min Rest Between Rounds. Wall Ball 20/14 SDLHP 75/55 Box Jump 20 Push Press 75/55 Cal Row Your score is max reps at each station added together. 2/10/16 WOD
1) 9 min EMOM 3 TnG Power Snatces + 1 OHS Work up to a max set 2) 9 min EMOM 3 TnG Power Cleans + 1 Jerk Work up to a max set 3) 15 min AMRAP 5 Power Snatch 95/65 10 Power Clean 95/65 15 Cal Row/Bike 20 Ab Mat Sit Ups 2/9/16 WOD
1) "14.5" FOR TIME 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Thrusters 95/65 Bar Facing Burpees I know this workout is horrible. I know its snowing. Get here if you can safely and get it done anyway. 2/8/16 WOD
1) 3x5 min Rounds with 3-5 min Rest between Rounds For Max Reps 0:00-2:00 400m Row + Max Dubs 2:00-3:00 DB Push Jerks 35/25 3:00-4:00 Pull Ups 4:00-5:00 DB Hang Squat Clean 35/25 Add all reps together for a total score. 2) "Heavy Grace" For Time 30 Clean and Jerks 185/125 2/5/16 WOD 1) 15 min to find a 1RM Back Squat 2) "11.2" 15 min AMRAP 9 Deadlifts 155/105 12 Hands Release Push Ups 15 Box Jumps 24/20 2/4/16 WOD
1) 9 min EMOM 3 Position Snatch + 1 OHS Work Up to a max Set 2) 14.4 14 min AMRAP 60 Cal Row 50 T2B 40 Wall Ball 20/14 30 Power Clean 135/95 20 Muscle Up 2/3/16 WOD
1) 12.3 18 min AMRAP 15 Box Jump 24/20 12 Push Press 115/75 9 T2B 2) Muscle Up Drills 2/2/16 WOD
1) Stick Circle Warm Up 2) Partner WOD 10-8-6-4-2 Relay Style DB Hang Squat Clean Thrusters 55/35 200m Run 3) "14.3" 8 min AMRAP 10 Deadlift 135/95 15 Box Jump 24/20 15 DL 185/135 15 Box Jump 20 DL 225/155 15 Box Jump 25 DL 275/185 15 Box Jump 30 DL 315/205 15 Box Jump 35 DL 365/225 15 Box Jump 2/1/16 WOD
1) 3 Position Clean + Split Jerk (Hip, Knee, Floor) Every 90 seconds for 12 min 2) 8 min EMOM Odd:: 12 DB Snatches 75/50 Even: 8 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 3) 14.1/11.1 10 min AMRAP 30 Dubs 15 Power Snatch 75/55 1/29/16 WOD
1) Every 1:30 for 9 min (7 total sets) 3x TnG Power Snatches + 1 OH Squat Start at 60-70% and work up to a max set for the day 2) 12 min EMOM Min 1: 5x Front Squats @ 80% Min 2: 10 Ring Dips Min 3: Rest 3) 12.5 10 min AMRAP 3-6-9-12 etc. Thruster 100/65 C2B Pull Ups 1/28/16 WOD
1) Every 2 min for 12 min (7 total Sets) 3x TnG Power Cleans + Push Jerk + Split Jerk. Start at 60-70% and work up to a max set for the day 2) 13.2 10 min AMRAP 5 Shoulder to OH 115/75 10 Deadlift 115/75 15 Box Jumps 24/20 1/27/16 WOD
1) 11.5 20 min AMRAP 5 Power Clean 145/100 10 T2B 15 Wall Ball 20/14 1/26/16 WOD
1) 3 Position Snatch Every 90 seconds for 9 min (7 sets) (Hip, Knee, Floor) Start @ 60-70% and Work Up to a max set 2a) 3xMax HS Hold 2b) 3x Max Dubs in 1 min 3) "11.4' 10 min AMRAP 60 Bar Facing Burpees 30 OH Squats120/90 10 Muscle Ups 1/25/16 WOD
1) Every 2 min for 12 min 3 Position Clean + Jerk (Hip, Knee, Floor) Start @ 60-70% and work up to a max set. 2a) Thruster (from rack) 3x6 2b) L Sit Hold 3x max time 3) 13.4 3-6-9-12-15 etc. Clean and Jerk 135/95 T2B 1/21/16 WOD
1) 7x3 Power Snatch Touch n Go + 1 OHS Every 2 min for 12 min. Work Up to a max set 2) 15 min EMOM Min 1: 5 Front Squats @ 75% Min 2: 12 T2B Min 3: Rest 3) 5 Rounds 5 Pull Ups 7 Power Snatch 95/65 9 OHS 95/65 1/20/16 WOD
1) 8 min AMRAP 2-4-6-8-10-12 etc. Hang Power Clean 135/95 Over the Bar Burpees Rest 10 min 2) For Time 50 Dubs 40 Russian KB Swing 44/26 30 Thrusters 75/55 20 Box Jumps 20 30 Thrusters 40 Russian KBS 50 Dubs 1/19/16 WOD
1) 3 Position Snatch (High Hang, Top of the knee, Floor) Every 1:30 for 9 min. Work up to a max set for the day. 2a) 3x Max Handstand Hold 2b) 3x1 min Max Dubs 3) 3 Rounds for time 21 Wall Balls 20/14 14 HSPU 7 Deadlifts 315/205 1/18/16 WOD
1) 3 Position Clean (High Hang, Top of the knee, Floor) Every 1:30 for 9 min. Work up to a max set for the day. 2a) 3x Max L Sit Hold 2b) 3x8 Thrusters as heavy as possible from rack 3) 12 min AMRAP 3-6-9-12-15 etc Cluster 135/95 C2B Pull Ups Over the Bar Burpees 1/15/16
1) Helen 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 21 KB Swings 53/35 12 Pull Ups 2) Christine 3 Rounds for Time 500m Row 12 Deadifts @ Body Weight 21 Box Jumps 24/20 1/14/16 WOD
1) Jackie For Time 1000m Row 50 Thrusters 45/35 30 Pull Ups Rest 10 min 2) Annie 50-40-30-20-10 Dubs Sit Ups 1/13/16 WOD
1) Isabel For TIme 30 Snatches @ 135/95 Rest 10 min 2) Elizabeth Power Clean 135/95 Ring Dip
1/11/16 WOD
GIRLS WEEK!!! 1) "Grace" For Time 30 Clean and Jerks 135/95 Rest 10 min 2) "Cindy" 20 min AMRAP 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats 1/8/16 WOD
1) Back Squat 2 RM 2) For Time 15-12-9-6-3 Back Squat @ 70% of 1RM From Rack. All sets must be unbroken. 3) 10 min AMRAP with 5x2 min Rounds 1 min Max DB Deadlift 75/50 1 min Max Push Ups 4) GHD Sit Ups 4x15 1/7/16 WOD
1) Bench 2RM + 4x25 BPA 2) For Reps 5 min Max Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20 5 min Rest 4 Min Max Shuttle Run 4 min Rest 3 min Max HSPU 3 min Rest 2 min Max KB Swing 53/35 2 min Rest 1 min Max C2B Pull Ups 1/6/16 WOD
1) For Time 21-15-9 Wall Ball 20/14 T2B Rest 5 Min 2) 3 Rounds for Time 15 Wall Ball 15 Cal Row Rest 5 Min 3) 2 Rounds for Time 50 Dubs 25 Wall Ball 1/5/16 WOD
1) 10 min EMOM 1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch Ascending weights work up to a max set 2) "DT" 5 Rounds for Time 12 Deadlifts 155/105 9 Hang Power Clean 155/105 6 Push Jerk 155/105 In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J. 1/4/16 WOD
1) Hang Clean 2RM 2) 3 Rounds for Time 35 Dubs 30 Air Squats 25 Wall Balls 20/14 20 Pull Ups 15 Power Clean 115/75 12/31/15 WOD
1) " Harper" 23 min AMRAP 9 C2B Pull Ups 15 Power Cleans 135/95 21 Air Squats 400m Plate Run 45/25 Phoenix Firefighter Brad Harper, 23, of Peoria, Arizona, died while on the scene of a two-alarm fire on May 19, 2013. Harper loved being a firefighter and had worked with the Phoenix Fire Department, where he was assigned to Rescue 21, for two years. He is survived by his wife, Lena; three younger brothers, Ryan, Daniel and Jacob; and parents, Bob and Cyndy. 12/29/15 WOD
1) For Time 400m Run 30 Deadlifts 155/105 20 Front Squat 155/105 10 Push Press 155/105 2) For Time 9-15-21-27 HSPU 27-21-15-9 GHD Sit Up 12/28/15 WOD
1) Dubs Practice 2) Hang Cluster 1RM 3) For Time 30 Thrusters 95/65 90 Dubs 20 Thrusters 95/65 60 Dubs 10 Thrusters 95/65 30 Dubs 12/23/15 WOD
1) "13.1" 17 min AMRAP 40 Burpees 30 Snatches 75/45 30 Burpees 30 Snatches 135/75 20 Burpees 30 Snatches 165/100 10 Burpees Max Reps Snatches 210/120 *Burpees are done to a 6 in above reach target 12/22/15 WOD
1a) Strict Ring Pull Ups 5x5 1b) GHD Sit Ups 5x10-12 2) 8 min EMOM 5-8 Unbroken Kipping Pull Ups 3) 7 min AMRAP 3-6-9-12 etc Push Press 95/65 T2B 4) 7 min AMRAP 3-6-9-12 etc Push Jerk 95/65 Box Jump 24/20 12/21/15 WOD
1) 10 min to find a 1RM Clean and Jerk 2) 12 min AMRAP 30 Wall Balls 20/14 30 One Arm DB Snatches 55/35 3) 8 min AMRAP 25 Dubs 5 Burpees 1 Squat Clean 205/145 You will have one score for this whole workout. Your score on the first will be lbs lifted. The second two scores will be be reps completed during the AMRAPs. All three scores will be added together for a single cumulative total. 12/17/15 WOD
1) Deadlift 2RM 2) Bench 2RM 3) 5 Rounds for Time 20 Wall Balls 20/14 10 Deadlift 225/155 5 Bench 185/125 12/16/15 WOD
1) Partner Workout 8 Rounds for Time 250m Row 25 Thrusters 45/35 15 T2B 12/15/15 WOD
1) 10 Rounds Every 90 Seconds: 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch work up to a max set 2) 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 10 HSPU 15 Pull Ups 20 Box Jumps 12/14/15 WOD
1) Every 90 Seconds for 10 Rounds 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Squat Clean 2) 9 min EMOM Squat Clean Min 1: 40 lbs Below Max Min 2: 30 lbs Below Max Min 3: 20 lbs Below Max 3) For Time 21 Clean and Jerk 135/95 15 CnJ 155/105 9 CnJ 185/125 12/11/15 WOD
1) Overhead Squat 1RM 2) 2 man Team for Time 50 Power Cleans 155/105 50 OHS 155/105 3) 2 man Team for Time 100 GHD Sit Ups 100 Cal Row 12/10/15 WOD
1) 2 man Team For Time Rope Climb 4-3-2-1 Stone Shoulder 8-6-4-2 2) 2 Man Team for Time 25 HSPU + Partner Static Hold 4 snatches 2 Each @ each level M: 125/135/145/155/165 F: 75/85/95/105/115 4 Cleans @ 2 each @ each level M: 205/215/225/235/245 F: 105/115/125/135/145 50 ft Tire Flip 12/9/15 WOD
1) 10 Rounds every 1:30 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Full Snatch 2) 9 min EMOM Min 1: 1 Squat Snatch 40 lbs below max Min 2: 1 Squat Snatch 30 lbs below max Min 3: 1 Squat Snatch 20 lbs below max 3) Snatch Pulls 4x2 @ 100% 4) "14.1" 10 min AMRAP 30 Dubs 15 Power Snatch 75/55 12/8/15 WOD
1) Every 90 Sec for 10 Rounds 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Squat Clean (start at moderate weight and move up to a max set) 2) 9 min EMOM Min 1: 1 Squat Clean @ 50 lbs below max Min 2: 1 Squat Clean @ 40 lbs below max Min 3: 1 Squat Clean @ 30 lbs below max Repeat 2 more waves until 9 min is up 3) "T.U.P." For Time 15-12-9-6-3 Power Clean 135/95 Pull Up Front Squat 135/95 Pull Up U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Michael H. Simpson, of San Antonio, Texas, died May 1, 2013, in Landstuhl, Germany, from injuries caused by an improvised-explosive device on April 27, 2013, in Arian, Afghanistan. The 30-year-old, nicknamed "The Unquiet Professional," was assigned to the 4th Battalion, 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne), Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington. Simpson is survived by his wife, Krista; sons, Michael, 5, and Gabe, 3; sister, Abigail; brother, David; parents, Michael W. and Barbara; and many other friends and family. 12/7/15 WOD
1) 2 Man Team for Time 100 Thrusters 95/65 80 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 60 Bar Muscle Ups 2000m Row 1 mi Run One person working at a time. Break up reps however you want but the run must be done in 400m splits 12/4/15 WOD
1) 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 12 Hang Power Clean 185/125 50 Dubs 2) 3 Rounds for Time 9 DB Squat Clean 55/35 15 Burpees 21 GHD Sit Ups 12/3/15 WOD
1) Push Press 2RM 2a) Bench + Chains 2RM 2b) 5 Strict Pull Ups 2c) Band Pull Aparts 4x25 3) 5 Rounds for Time 5 Bench 225/155 5 Stone Shoulder 12/2/15 WOD
1) Partner WOD For Time 75 Cal Row 75 Deadlift 135/95 60 Cal Row 60 Hang Power Clean 135/95 45 Cal Row 45 Front Squat 135/95 30 Cal Row 30 Push Jerk 135/95 15 Cal Row 15 Clusters 135/95 12/1/15 WOD
1) Snatch Complex Every 2 min for 7 Rounds 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Full Snatch 2) Snatch Pulls 4x2@ 100%; 3x1@ 110% 3) For Time 21-15-9 KB Swing 53/35 Power Snatch 95/65 T2B 11/30/15 WOD
1) Squat Clean + Front Squat + Split Jerk Max Set 2) For Time 10 Rope Climbs 20 Clean and Jerks 155/105 30 Burpees over the Bar 40 Box Jump Over 24/20 50 Wall Ball 20/14 11/27/15 WOD
1) "12 Days of Thankfulness" 1 100m Sprint 2 C2B Pull Ups 3 DB Thruster 55/35 4 Burpee Box Jump 24/20 5 HSPU 6 Pull Up 7 KB Swing 70/53 8 One Arm DB Snatch 55/35 9 T2B 10 DB Lunge 55/35 11 Dips 12 Man Makers 55/35 12 Total Rounds are preformed. Add a new exercise each round. 1st round looks like 1 100m Sprint; 2nd round 1 100m Sprint + 2 C2B; 3rd 1 100m Sprint + 2 C2B Pull Ups + 3 DB Thruster etc till completion 11/25/15 WOD
1) Row Intervals 3x40 Cal Row 1:30 Rest 3x20 Cal Row 45 sec Rest 2) 3 Rounds for Time 21 Box Jump 24/20 18 Wall Ball 20/14 15 KB Swing 70/53 12 Burpees 11/24/15 WOD
1) Every 2 min for 7 Rounds 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch 2) Snatch Pulls 3x2 @ 100%; 2x1 @ 110% 3) Snatch Grip Push Press 5x2 ascending wt 4) Front Squat 2RM 5) Ab Wheel 4x12 11/23/15 WOD
1) For Time 21-15-9 GHD Sit Ups Ring Dips OH Squats 135/95 2) 4 Rounds for Time 50 Dubs 15 KB Swings 70/53 50 Dubs 5 Power Cleans 225/155 11/20/15 WOD
1) "Holleyman" 30 Rounds for Time 5 Wall Ball 20/14 3 HSPU 1 Power Clean 225/155 U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Aaron N. Holleyman, 27, of Glasgow, Montana, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 5th Special Forces Group, based in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, was killed on August 30, 2004, when his military vehicle hit an improvised explosive device in Khutayiah, Iraq. He is survived by his daughters Shelby and Erin, son Zachary, parents Ross and Glenda, and siblings Kelly and Daniel. 11/19/15 WOD
1) 16 min Every 2 min 15/12 Cal Row 45 Dubs 2) For Time 21-15-9 Deadlift 225/155 GHD Sit Up x2 or Ab Mat Sit Up x3 *Rxd+ Weight is 315/205 11/18/15 WOD
1) For Time 30 HSPU 30 T2B 30 Burpees 30 Cal Row 30 Pull Ups 30 Cal Row 30 Burpees 30 T2B 30 HSPU 11/17/15 WOD
1) Snatch Complex: Full Snatch + Hang Snatch + Overhead Squat Max Set 2) For Time 21 Power Snatch 135/95 15 Thruster 135/95 9 Squat Snatch 135/95 3) For Time 10 Hang Power Clean 185/125 400m Run 10 Hang Power Clean 185/125 11/16/15 WOD
1) Hang Squat Clean 1RM 2) The "6-5-4-3-2-1" Test 21 min AMRAP 6 min Row/Bike Cal 5 min Burpee Box Jump 24/20 4 min Wall Ball 20/14 3 min Power Snatch 135/95 2 min Dubs 1 min Thruster 135/95 You will have 6 different scores on this workout. Max reps on each exercise. They are not added together for a cumulative score. 11//13/15 WOD
1) Squat 1RM 2) 10 min EMOM Odd-Row/Bike Cal 20/15 Even-3 Heavy Bench 3) For Time 5 Rounds for Time 7 Power Clean 95/65 7 Thruster 95/65 7 Bar Facing Burpees 11/12/15 WOD
1) For Time 3 Rounds of Mary 3 Rounds of Cindy 2 Rounds of Mary 2 Rounds of Cindy 1 Round of Mary 1 Round of Cindy *Mary is 5 HSPU 10 Pistols 15 Pull Ups *Cindy is 5 Push Ups 10 Pull Ups 15 Air Squats 2) Farmers Carries 11/11/15 Veteran's Day WOD
"Matt 16" For time: 16 deadlifts, 275/185 16 hang power cleans, 185/125 16 push presses, 135/95 Run 800 meters 16 deadlifts, 275/185 16 hang power cleans, 185/125 16 push presses, 135/95 Run 800 meters 16 deadlifts, 275/185 16 hang power cleans, 185/125 16 push presses, 135/95 U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer Matt Ruffner, of Tafford, Pennsylvania, died April 9, 2013, in Pachir Wa Agam district, Afghanistan, from injuries sustained when his AH-64 Apache helicopter crashed. The 34-year-old was assigned to 1st Attack Reconnaissance Battalion, 104th Aviation Regiment, 28th Combat Aviation Brigade, 28th Infantry Division, Pennsylvania National Guard, Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania. Ruffner is survived by his parents, Chuck and Diane; brother, Jeff; and girlfriend, Jackie Bignardi. 11/10/15 WOD
1) Snatch Complex max set-Squat Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + OH Squat 2) OH Squat 1RM 3) For Time 30 One Arm DB Snatch 70/50 100 Dubs 20 One Arm DB Snatch 70/50 100 Dubs 10 One Arm DB Snatch 70/50 100 Dubs 11/9/15 WOD
1) Hang Squat Clean 1RM 2) 3 Rounds for Time 25 GHD Sit Ups 3 Rope Climbs 3) For Time 9-6-3 Hang Squat Clean 135/95 Burpee Box Jump 24/20 11/6/15 WOD
1) Bench 1RM 2) Partner "Linda" 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 1.5x Body Weight Deadlift Body Weight Bench .75x Body Weight Power Clean One person working at a time. Each must do the whole round. Partner A does the even numbered rounds with partner B does the odd rounds. 11/5/15 WOD
1) "Bergeron Open Ready Test" 20 min AMRAP 50 Wall Balls 20/14 50 Dubs 40 T2B 40 Box Jump 24/20 30 C2B Pull Ups 30 Burpees 20 Power Clean 145/100 20 Push Jerk 145/100 10 Power Snatch 145/100 10 Muscle Up How ready are you for the 2016 Open? "Remember remember the fifth of November the gun powder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the fifth of November should ever be forgot" 11/4/15 WOD
1) Team Workout For Time Card Game Spades-Renegade Row 45/25 Clubs-KB Swing 53/35 Hearts-GHD/AB mat Sit Ups Diamonds- Push Ups Jokers-25 Burpees For each card flipped over you must complete the corresponding number of reps on that suit. Each team member must complete all the reps before the next card can be flipped. Face Cards are ten reps and Aces are 11. 11/3/15 WOD
1) Snatch 1RM 2) 4 Rounds for time 400m Run 10 Deadlifts 315/205 20 Wall Balls 20/14 11/2/15 WOD
1) Clean 1RM 2) For TIme 21-15-9 C2B Pull Ups OH Squat 115/75 10/30/15 WOD
1) Turkish Get Up Practice 2) Max Turkish Get Up 3) 3 Rounds for Time 15 Dips 15 yd HS Walk 15 T2B 4) 3RFT "Heavy DT" 12 Deadlifts 185/125 9 Hang Power Clean 185/125 6 Push Jerks 185/125 10/29/15 WOD
1) 15 min AMRAP 10 Power Snatch 115/75 20 Wall Ball 20/14 30 Dubs 2) 15 min Partner Workout 6 Tire Flips 12 Sandbag Shoulder 75/50 18 KB Thrusters 53/35 10/28/15 WOD
1) Bench 1RM 2) 5 Rounds for Time 5 Bench 225/145 5 Bar Complexes (1 Pull Up + 1 C2B + 1 Bar Muscle Up) *sub strict pull up for Bar MU if you dont have one 20 GHD Sit Ups 10/27/15 WOD
1) Back Squat 1RM 2) For Time 200m Back Rack Carry @ 185/135 Every 10 steps do 1 squat and if you put it down do 3 3) 12 min AMRAP 100m Sprint 8 Wall Walks 4 Hang Power Clean 185/125 2 Rope Climb 10/26/15 WOD
1) Challenge Workouts! 5x5 min Rounds with a Partner You Pick the Exercises and Weights! All workouts will be 5 min AMRAP 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 etc. Couplet or Triplet Challenge your friends! *I pick the last one! 10/23/15 WOD
1) Partner WOD For Time 42-30-18 OA DB Snatch 55/35 GHD Sit Up Cal Row 2) Partner WOD 6 Rounds for TIme 60 yd Prowler 90/50 20 Wall Ball 20/14 1 Rope Climb 10/22/15 WOD
1) Bench 2RM + BPA 4x25 2a) DB Bench 3x6-8 2b) One Arm Ring Row 3x6-8 ea 3) 3x3 min AMRAPs 2 min Rest Between rounds 30 Dubs 10 Box Jump 24/20 10 Push Press 95/65 10/21/15 WOD
Scooter On a 35-minute clock with a partner: Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of: 30 double-unders 15 pull-ups 15 push-ups 100-meter sprint Then, 5 minutes to find a 1-rep-max partner deadlift For the AMRAP, have one partner work while the other rests, switching after a full round is completed. If you're performing without a partner, rest 60 seconds between each round, and find a regular 1-rep-max deadlift. Sgt. Scott Lunger, of Brentwood, California, died July 22, 2015, after being gunned down during a traffic stop. A second officer returned fire, hitting the suspect who was later caught and taken into police custody. Lunger, 48, had served the Hayward Police Department since 2001 as a beat cop, on the special duty unit, gang task force, SWAT, was a Field Training Officer and acting lieutenant at the time of his death. Lunger is survived by his daughters, Ashton and Saralyn; brother and sister-in-law, Mike and Shey; brother Todd; sister and brother-in-law, Michelle and Lance Schroeder; father and stepmother, Paul and Donna; half sister, Ciara; and many other family and friends. He is preceded in death by his mother, Alice. 10/20/15 WOD
1) Snatch Max Total 15 min on the clock First 10 min build up in weight/warm up Then 5 min window to accumulate 5 good lifts for a max total in lbs. As many attempts are allowed but only good lifts count. Must be a full snatch. 2) 4 Rounds for Time 21 Wall Ball 20/14 18 SDLHP 95/65 15 KB Swing 53/35 12 HSPU 10/19/15 WOD
1) Clean and Jerk Max Total 15 min on the clock First 10 min build up in weight/warm up Then 5 min window to accumulate 5 good lifts for a max total in lbs. As many attempts are required but only good lifts count. Must be a full clean. 2) For Time 5 Rounds of Cindy Isabel 5 Rounds of Cindy Grace 5 Rounds of Cindy 10/16/15 WOD
1) "Fran" 21-15-9 Thruster 95/65 Pull Up 2) "Diane" 21-15-9 Deadlift 225/155 HSPU 10/15/15
1) "Isabel" For Time 30 Snatches 135/95 2) "Cindy" 20 min AMRAP 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats 10/13/15 WOD
1) "Grace" For Time 30 Clean and Jerks 135/95 2) "Jackie" For Time 1000m Row 50 Thrusters 45/35 30 Pull Ups 10/12/15 WOD
GIRLS WEEK!!! 1) "Helen" 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 21x KB Swings 53/35 12x Pull Ups 2) "Elizabeth" 21-15-9 Power Cleans 135/95 Ring Dips 10/9/15 WOD
1) 7RM Front Squat from floor 2) For Time in teams of 2 with one person working at a time "Karen" 150 Wall Balls 20/14 then "Grace" 30 Clean and Jerks 135/95 then "Diane" 21-15-9 Deadlifts 225/155 HSPU then "Randy" 75 Power Snatches 75/55 The 430 pm group will have teams competing in the team series! Come cheer on your friends! 10/8/15 WOD
1) Bench 3RM + BPA 4x25 2) Partner Workout 6 Rounds for Time 10 One Arm DB Snatch 70/50 20 Cal Row One team member working at a time. Each person does one whole round alternating until 6 rounds are completed 3) 3 Rounds for Time 100 Dubs 15 Clean and Jerk 115/75 10/7/15 WOD
1) 9 min AMRAP 9 KB Swings 53/35 9 Burpees 9 Box Jumps 24/20 Rest 5 min 2) 7 min AMRAP 7 Power Clean 95/65 7 Thruster 95/65 7 Bar Facing Burpees Rest 5 min 3) 5 min AMRAP 5 min AMRAP 5 Power Snatch 95/65 5 Ring Dip 5 Ab Mat Sit Up 5 Min Rest 4) 3 min AMRAP 3 Deadlift 95/65 3 Push Jerk 95/65 3 Lateral Over the Bar Burpees 10/5/15 WOD
1) Clean n Jerk Complex Max Set Squat Clean Hang Squat Clean Split Jerk 2) 10 min EMOM 1x Clean and Jerk @ 85-90% of complex max 3) 5 Rounds for Time 20 Wall Balls 20/14 10 Hang Power Clean 155/105 10/2/15 WOD 1) Deadlift 2RM 2) 7 min AMRAP 2-4-6-8 etc Deadlift 225/155 HSPU 5 min rest 3) 7 min AMRAP 2-4-6-8 etc Power Clean 155/105 Pistols 4) If time permitting Team Workout Prowler Push Rope Climb 10/1/15 WOD
1) Split Jerk 3RM 2) Front Squat 3RM 3) 7 Rounds for Time 10 SDLHP 95/65 10 Ring Dips 10 GHD SIt Ups 9/30/15 WOD
1) Bench 3RM + BPA 4x25 2) 10min AMRAP 10 Power Snatch 95/65 10 Box Jump Overs 24/20 3) 12 min AMRAP 8 Push Ups 10 Ring Rows 12 Box Step Ups 45/30 @ 24/20 in 9/29/15 WOD
1) Snatch 2RM 2) 15 min to find a 3RM Back Squat 3) Partner Workout 9-15-21-27 Cal Row C2B Pull Ups One Partner Rows while the other does C2B then switch. Each person must do every round. 9/28/15 WOD
1) Clean Complex max set Squat Clean+Hang Squat Clean+Split Jerk 2) For time 21-15-9 Thruster 115/75 HSPU 3) 7 min AMRAP 30 Dubs 9 T2B 3 Hang Power Clean 185/125 9/25/15 WOD
1) 12 min EMOM 30 sec work: 30 sec rest 1) Thruster 95/65 2) Dubs 3) HSPU 4) Dbl. KB Russian Swing 53/35 2) 3 Rounds for Time 400m Sandbag Run 20 One Arm DB Hang Squat Snatch 55/35 10 Stone Shoulder 150/100 9/24/15 WOD 1) Front Squat 5RM 2) "My Best Friend Wilson" 15 min AMRAP 200 yd Sprint 15 Step Ups 24/20 15 Wall Balls 20/14 Med Ball must be carried the entire run and step ups. The Med Ball is your Wilson, your best friend that you never leave behind. WILSOOOOONNNNNN!!!! 9/23/15 WOD
1) Bench 5RM + 4x25 BPA 2) Toes to Bar Instruction 3) 12 min AMRAP 10 Push Jerk 135/95 10 T2B 30 Dubs 4) GHD Sit Up 4x12-15 9/22/15 WOD
1) Hang Squat Snatch 1RM 2) 10 min to find a 5RM Back Squat + 3 Strict Pull Ups 3) 10 min AMRAP 1 Rope Climb 12 T2B 1 Rope Climb 12 Hang Squat Clean 50/30 9/16/15 WOD 1a) Bench 5RM 1b) BPA 4x25 2) 20 min AMRAP 10x Bench @ 65% of 5RM 15x Ring Rows 20x Ab Mat Sit Ups 3) 3x10 ea of KB Bent Over Row One Arm DB Bench Back Ex. 9/15/15 WOD
1) Hang Squat Snatch 1RM 2) 12 min running clock. Every 2 Min 20 One Arm Alt. DB Snatch 55/35 3 Bar Muscle Ups Drop The Snatch reps by 2 each round 3) 5 min AMRAP 5 Hang Power Snatch 135/95 5 Bar Facing Burpees 9/14/15 WOD
1) Clean Complex Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean Thruster 2) 15 min to find a 5RM Back Squat + 5 T2B each set 3) 10 min AMRAP 50 Dubs 5 Hang Power Clean 155/105 9/10/15 WOD
1) 20 min AMRAP Partner WOD Clean and Jerk Ladder With a partner you will complete 30 reps at each weight. 5 each until you get to 30 reps then move up in weight. F: 65,75,85,95, 105, 115 M: 95, 115, 135, 155, 175, 195 2) 3x15 each GHR GHD Sit up Back Extension 9/9/15 WOD
1) Back Squat 5RM 2) Pause Front Squat 3x3 3) Partner Workout 100 Dubs (each) 75 Cal Row (team) 50 DB Step Ups 45/30lbs; 24/20in 4) 5 min AMRAP 5 Squat Clean 115/75 5 Burpees Over the Bar 9/8/15 WOD
1) Split Jerk 3RM 2a) Strict Press 5RM 2b) Strict Pull Ups 5x3-5 3) "JT" 21-15-9 HSPU Ring Dips Push Ups 9/7/15 WOD
1) Work up to a max set of the following complex Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean Thruster 2) 9 min AMRAP 9 Cal Row 6 Burpees over the Rower 3 Clean and Jerk 185/125 3) 4 Rounds for Time 60 Dubs 15 KB Swing 53/35 15 Hollow Rocks 9/4/15 WOD
1) 3 Rounds for time 500m Row Squat Snatch 155/105 We'll double the rounds and make this a partner workout if there is too many people. 2) For time 27-21-15-9 Wall Ball 20/14 Box Jump 24/20 9/3/15 WOD
1) 2 Rounds for TIme 400m Run 15 Power Snatch 95/65 400m Run 30 Pull Ups 400m Run 15 Front Squats 95/65 9/2/15 WOD
1) Partner Workout 3 Rounds for Time 200 Dubs 10 Tire Flips 2) Partner Workout 10 min AMRAP Prowler Push 90/50 25 Battle Rope Whip Smash 15 Ring Rows Prowler Push 90/50 3) Bring Sally Up! 135/95 9/1/15 WOD
1) "300" For Time 25x Pull Ups 50x Deadlifts 135/95 50x Push Ups 50x Box Jumps 24/20 50x Floor Wiper 24/20 50x KB Clean and Press 35/26 25x Pull Ups 2) Plank Rope Sled Drags 8/31/15 WOD
1) "The Chief" 5x3 min Rounds with 1 min rest between rounds 3x Power Clean 135/95 6x Push Up 9x Air Squat 2) NOT for Time 45-30-15 GHD Sit Up Back Ex Plank (Seconds) L Sit (seconds) 8/27/15
1a) Push Jerk 1RM 1b) Ring Rows 4x12-15 1c) Band Pull Aparts 4x25 2) For Time 21-15-9 Push Jerk 135/95 (from floor) GHD Sit Up Ring Dip OA DB Snatch 55/35 8/25/15 WOD
1) For Time 30 Thrusters 95/65 30 C2B Pull Ups 5min Rest 2) For Time 18 Squat Cleans 155/105 18 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 Rest 5 min 3) For Time 24 Thrusters 95/65 24 C2B Pull Ups Rest 5 min 4) For Time 12 Squat Clean 155/105 12 Burpee Box Jump 24/20 Attempt to go unbroken. Put the bar down when you HAVE to not when you want to. 8/25/15 WOD
1) Hang Power Snatch 1RM 2) 10 min AMRAP 10 SDLHP 115/75 10 Over the Bar Burpees 3) Tire Flip Races 8/24/15 WOD
(Pictured 2014 Team Series Snatch Event) 1) Clean 1RM 2) For TIme 400m Run 21x DB Thrusters 45/30 3 Rope Climbs 400m Run 15x DB Thrusters 45/30 2 Rope Climbs 400m Run 9x DB Thrusters 45/30 1 Rope Climb 8/21/15 WOD
1) Deadlift 1RM 2) For time in teams of 2-3 3 Rounds 30 Ab Mat Sit Ups 15 Deadlift 245/165 then 3 Rounds 500m Row 10x OHS 135/95 then "The Prowler Mile" Only One person working at a time. Each person must complete at least one rep. Prowler Mile Details will be explained at the gym. "CrossFit's intent is to prepare you for the unknown and unknowable." -Greg Glassman 8/20/15 WOD
1) For Time 400m KB Farmers carry 53/35 40 GHD/Ab Mat Sit Ups 40 Pull Ups 40 Box Jump Overs 40 T2B 40 Pistols 400m KB Farmers Carry 53/35 8/19/15 WOD
1) Push Jerk 1RM 2) For Time 21-15-9 Power Clean 135/95 Front Rack Lunge 135/95 Push Jerk 135/95 8/18/15 WOD
1) Box Squat + Chains 1RM 2) 5 Rounds for Time 7x Squat Clean 155/105 14x KB Swing 53/35 3a) Offset Front Rack Bulgarian Split Squat 3x6 ea 3b) GHD Sit Up 3x12 3c) GHR 3x6 8/17/15 WOD
1a) Bench + Chains 1RM 1b) BPA 4x25 2) "Helen" 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 21x KB Swings 53/35 12x Pull Ups 3) 9 min AMRAP 9x Wall Ball 20/14 6x Target Burpees 6/4in 8/14/15 WOD
1) Deadlift 2RM 2) OH Squat 2RM 3) 16min EMOM 1-12 Burpees 2-10 OHS @ 55% 3-8 HSPU 4-6 Strict Pull Ups 4) 5 min AMRAP 3x Clean and Jerk 135/95 6x Box Jump Over 24/20 8/13/15 WOD
1) Clean 2RM 2) Push Jerk 2RM 3) Partner WOD 400m Run 21x Cal Row 21x DB Hang Squat Clean 45/25 21x One Arm DB Snatch 55/35 400m Run 15x Cal Row 15x DB Hang Power Clean 45/25 15x OA DB Snatch 55/35 400m Run 9x Cal Row 9x DB Hang Squat Clean 45/25 9x OA DB Snatch 55/35 8/12/15 WOD
1) Hang Power Snatch 2RM 2) For Time 100x Dubs 10x Hang Power Snatch 135/95 80x Dubs 8x Hang Power Snatch 60x Dubs 6x Hang Power Snatch 40x Dubs 4x Hang Power Snatch 20x Dubs 2x Hang Power Snatch 2) Partner WOD 6 min AMRAP Max Rope Climbs Alternating 8/11/15 WOD
1) Box Squat + Chains 2RM 2) 2 Rounds for Time 180ft Plate Push 45/25 90ft One Arm KB Front Rack Lunge 53/35 60ft Slider or Handstand Walk (HS Walk Rxd+) 45 Ab mat Sit Ups 30 KB Swings 53/35 8/10/15 WOD
1a) Bench + Chains 2RM 1b) BPA 4x25 2) "Monster Mash" 7min AMRAP 18/12 Cal Row 15 Thruster 95/65 12 C2B Pull Ups 7 min Rest 3) 7 min AMRAP 50m Shuttle 25 Dubs 5 Burpee Pull Ups 5 Deadlift 275/185 7 min Rest 4) 7 min AMRAP 14 Front Rack Lunge 115/75 7 Hang Power Snatch 115/75 7 T2B 6/7/15 WOD
1) Deadlift 2RM 2) OH Squat 2RM 3) 3 min AMRAP 5x DL 315/205 5x Bar Facing Burpee 3min Rest 3 min AMRAP 3x DL 275/185 3x Bar Facing Burpee 3 min Rest 3 min AMRAP Max Bar Facing Burpees 3min Rest 3min AMRAP Max Reps @ 70% OH Squat 8/6/15 WOD
1a) Push Jerk 2RM 1b) 3x5 Strict Pull Ups 2a) Bench + Chains 2RM 2b) BPA 4x20 3) Pendlay Rows 4x6-8 4) 3 Rounds for Time 21x Wall Ball 20/14 15x T2B 9x HSPU 8/5/15 WOD
1) 12 min AMRAP 200 yd Shuttle Run (50x4) 50 Dubs 15 Sandbag Shoulders 2) For Time 400m Run 15 Pull Ups 30 Air Squats 15 Power Snatch 155/105 30 Air Squats 15 Pull Ups 400m Run 8/4/15 WOD
1) Box Squat + Chains 2RM 2) Ladders- Burpees + Back Squat 185/125 Rest 3 Min Burpees + Shoulder Press 115/75 Rest 3 Min Burpees + Deadlift 245/165 Perform all the reps each minute starting at 1 each then go as high as you can. First min 1 Burpee + 1 Squat. 2nd min 2 Burpees + 2 Squats etc. You're out when you can no longer complete the work within the minute. Your score is the number of rounds completed. 3a) GHR 3x12-15 3b) Ab Wheel 3x12-15 8/3/15 WOD
1) "DT" 5 Rounds for Time 12x Deadlifts 155/105 9x Hang Power Clean 155/105 6x Push Jerk 155/105 2) Partner Wod 4 Rounds for Time 500m Row 10x Wall Ball 20/14 10x Hang Power Clean 135/95 *One team member completes the whole round while the other waits. Each Team member will do two rounds each. 7/31/15 WOD
1) Push Jerk 3RM 2a) Bench + Chains 3RM 2b) BPA 4x15 3) For Time 21-15-9 GHD Sit Up Cal Row 3-2-1 Rope Climb 7/9/15 WOD
1) 5 Rounds for TIme 50ft Handstand Walk 20x Wall Ball 20/14 2) For Time 9-6-3 Hang Squat Snatch 135/95 Box Jump 30/24 Stone Shoulder 7/29/15 WOD
1) Team Tire Flip Races 2) For Time 21x Thrusters 95/65 Run 400m 21x Pull Ups 21x OH Squat 95/65 21x Pull Ups Run 400m 21x Thrusters 95/65 7/27/15 WOD 1) 1RM Snatch 2) 1RM Clean and Jerk Lets do what we've all wanted to do forever. Slam Bars and Kill PRs. Lets crank up the music and make this first workout one to remember! 7/23/15 WOD
1) 5 Rounds for Time 10 GHD Sit Ups 5 Strict Ring Dips 2) For Time 30 Deadlift 225/155 30 Cal Row 30 Burpees Over the Rower 7/21/15 WOD
1) 3 Position Snatch work up to a max set 2) Snatch Pulls 3x3 @ 105% 3) 4 Rounds for Time 400m Run 20 Wall Ball 20/14 10 KB Swing 70/53 7/20/15 WOD
1) 3 Position Clean work up to a max set 2) Clean High Pull 3x3 @ 105% 3) For Time 21-15-9 Pull Up HSPU Squat Clean 135/95 The 530 crew will be doing a harder version of this WOD. 7/17/15 WOD
1) Box Squat + Chains 3RM 2) Bench + Chains 3RM 3) Tabata Style For Max Reps Push Ups Back Squat 135/95 KB Swing 53/35 Box Jump 24/20 *Tabata is 8 rounds of 20 sec work 10 sec rest for a 4 min total round. You will spend 4 min at each station and add your reps completed each round together for an overall score. There is only a 10 second rest between exercises. 7/16/15 WOD
1) "Triplet" For Time 40 GHD Sit Ups 10 Bar Muscle Ups 50m Sandbag Carry 75/50 32 GHD Sit Ups 8 Bar Muscle Ups 50m Sandbag Carry 24 GHD Sit Ups 6 Bar Muscle Ups 50m Sandbag Carry 10 min Break 2) "Sandwich" For Time 80 Cal Row 40 Shoulder to OH 115/75 80 Deadlift 115/75 7/15/15 WOD
1) 3 Position Clean work up to a max set 2) 16 min EMOM Even: 40 Dubs Odd: 12 Burpees 3) 6 min AMRAP 10x Wall Ball 20/14 5x Power Clean 155/105 7/14/15 WOD
1) HS Walk Practice 2) 10 min EMOM Even 5 HSPU Odd 5 Strict Pull Up 3) 4 Rounds for Max Score 1 min Max Cal Row 1 min Rest 1 min Max Feet HS Walk 1 min Rest Max Hollow Rocks 1 min Rest Bar MU or Chest to Bar 1 min Rest 7/13/15 WOD
1) Rope Climb Practice 2) 3 Position Snatch Work up to a max set for the day 3) 6 Rounds for Time 3x Power Snatch 155/105 2x Rounds of "Cindy" 5x Pull Ups 10x Push Ups 15x Air Squats 1x Rope Climb 7/10/15 WOD
1) Power Clean 1RM 2) Bench 1RM 3) Strict Pull Ups 3x5 4) For Time 30-20-10 Power Clean @ 65% Bench @ 65% 7/9/15 WOD
1) Squat 1RM 2) For Time Run 400m 45 Back Squat 115/75 Run 400m 30 Front Squat 115/75 400m Run 15 OH Squat 115/75 *We will use the rack for all squats 7/8/15 WOD
1) Snatch 1RM 2) Snatch Pulls 3x3 @ 115% 3) Squat 1RM 4) 9 min AMRAP 75 Dubs 15 T2B 15 Push Jerk 135/95 7/7/15 WOD
1) For Time 42-30-18 Wall Ball 20/14 SDLHP 75/55 Box Jump 20 Push Press 75/55 Cal Row or KB Swing 53/35 2) Lumbar Mobility 7/6/15 WOD
1) Thruster 1RM (from Rack) 2) "Marco" 21x Pull Ups 15x HSPU 9x Thruster (from floor) 135/95 7/3/15 WOD
1) Split Jerk 2RM 2) Bench 2RM 3) In Teams of 2 For Time 15-12-9 Deadlift 275/185 Bar Muscle Up 15-12-9 Bench 185/125 Cal Row x2 15-12-9 Thruster 135/95 5-4-3 Legless Rope Climb 7/2/15 WOD
1) Clean 2RM 2) Clean Pull 3x3@ 110% 3) 10 min EMOM 5 Burpees 5 HSPU 4) For Time 15-12-9 Power Clean 185/125 Front Squat 185/125 Push Jerk185/125 7/1/15
1) 4 Rounds for Time 10 Power Ceans 155/105 200m Run 10 min Time Cap 2) 10 min AMRAP 20 Pull Ups 25 Wall Ball 20/14 50 Dubs 3) Accumulate 100 GHD Sit Ups with 3x10 GHR and 3x30 L Sit Holds 6/30/15 WOD
1) Snatch 2RM 2) Snatch Pulls 3x3 @ 110% 3) For Time 21-15-9-6-3 Power Snatch 95/65 T2B KB Swing 53/35 6/29/15 WOD
Monster Mash!!! 1) For Time 21-15-9 Power Clean 95/65 Thruster 95/65 Rest 5 min 2) 10 min AMRAP 1 Round of Cindy 3 Hang Power Snatch 135/95 Rest 5 Min 3) For Time 30 Deadlift 225/155 30 Cal Row 30 Burpees Over the Rower 6/26/15 WOD
1) Split Jerk 2RM 2a) Bench 2RM + 4x25 BPA 2b) Strict Pull Ups 3xmax reps 3a) DB Flat Bench 3x8-10 3b) KB One Arm Row 3x8-10 4) 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 20x Lunges 95/65 20x Push Press 95/65 6/25/15 WOD
1) Rock Paper Scissors Warm Up 2) Partner WOD For Time 75 Hang Power Clean 155/105 200 Dubs 75 Cal Row Rest 5 min 2) Partner WOD For Time 300ft Handstand Walk 150 Wall Balls 20/14 100 GHD Sit Ups Client Transformation: Thomas Hinkle
6 month transformation. Thanks to my 2 best friends @piercing_crossfit and @kkkellimichelleee . I have turned 15 lbs of fat into 10 lbs of lean muscle and this is only the halfway point. 💪 #iwastubby #stillalittletubby My boy Thomas and Piercing CrossFit intern has changed his body and fitness level drastically by training his ass off. He's set PR's in pretty much every category you can and because his performance increased so did his body. He's now faster and leaner and even stronger than before. Can't wait to see him on the field this season Client Transformation: Kelli Miller
After a full year, slowly but surely I've made progress. Not only do I feel better about myself but I now know what my strengths are, and I can't wait to continue to test my limits! I used to want to be skinny and now I'll I want is to be as strong as I'm capable of. #transformationtuesday #istilleatpizzaandoreos #screwthighgaps Kelli has made huge strides as a Piercing CrossFit member. She's now strong. Really strong. She's also fitter and faster than ever before. Her workout numbers confirm that. She used to put in tons of cardio and wanted to be skinny. That only left her skinny fat and chasing a body she couldn't get without weights. When she got strong and added in functional movements performed at high intensity her body changed for the better. And we apparently offer free tanning. 6/24/15 WOD
1) For Time 60x KB Swing 53/35 50x One Arm KB Snatch 53/35 40x Pistols 30x Sandbag Shoulder 75/50 20x Thruster 95/65 10x Strict HSPU 400ft Prowler Push 90/50 2) Hanging L Sit Holds 3) Grip Ball Leg Fights 6/23/15 WOD
1) Clean 2RM 2) Back Squat 2RM 3) 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 15-12-9 Clean and Jerk 135/95 3-2-1 Rope Climb 6/22/15 WOD
1) Kipping Pull Up Practice 2) Snatch 2RM 3) For time 30-20-10 C2B Pull Ups Box Jumps 24/20 Ab Mat Sit Up 6/19/15 WOD
1) Split Jerk 3RM 2) Bench 3RM + 4x25 BPA 3) For Time 21-15-9 Deadlift 275/185 Bench Press 185/115 6/18/15 WOD
1) 15 min Gymnastics Work Period Muscle Ups and L Sit Emphasis 2) "Hall" Five Rounds for Time 3x Clean 225/155 200m Run 20x KB Snatches 53/35 (10 each arm) 2 min rest between rounds 6/17/15 WOD
1) Power Snatch 3RM 2) Snatch Pull 3x3 @ 105% 3) 10 min AMRAP 10x C2B Pull Ups 10x HSPU 20x GHD Back Extensions 5 min Break 4) 10 min AMRAP 2x Rope Climb 10x Ring Dips 20x GHD Sit Ups 6/16/15 WOD
1) Handstand Walk Practice 2) Front Squat 3RM 3) 5 Rounds for Time 50 ft Handstand Walk 5 Squat Cleans 225/155 6/15/15 WOD
1) Teams of 2-3 People For Time 120 Cal Row 100 T2B 80 Wall Ball 20/14 60 Power Clean 135/95 40 Muscle Up (these can be scaled to the jumping version or on the ground if no one on your team has muscle ups) 2) 3x6-8 ea Strict HSPU Strict Pull Ups Wtd. GHD Sit Ups 6/12/15 WOD
1) Bench 3RM+ 4x25 BPA 2) 3 Rounds for Time 15x Wall Ball 20/14 15x Burpee Chest to Bar Pull Ups 3) For Time 15-12-9 OH Squat 135/95 HSPU 200ft Prowler Push 90/50 after each round 6/11/15 WOD
It's 94 degrees today. Lets see who's going to tough it out! 1) T2b Practice 2) Clean and Jerk 1RM Warm Up 3) 15.1 and 15.1a 15 min AMRAP First 9 min 15x T2B 10x Deadlift 115/75 5x Power Snatch 115/75 Final 6 min Work up to a 1RM Clean and Jerk 4) GHD Sit Ups 5x15-20 6/9/15 WOD
1) Front Squat 3RM + 4x5 Strict HSPU 2) 4 Rounds for Time 50x Air Squats 20x Ring Dips 4x Rope Climb 6/8/15 WOD
"Monster Mash" 1) For Time 9-6-3 Power Clean 185/125 Front Squat 185/125 Push Jerk 185/125 Rest 5 min 2) 6 min AMRAP 3x Burpee Box Jump 24/20 3x C2B Pull Ups Rest 5 min 3) For Time 20 Cal Row 20 T2B 400m Run 20 T2B 20 Cal Row 6/5/15 WOD
1) "Jackie" For Time 1000m Row 50x Thrusters 45/35 30x Pull Ups 2) "Elizabeth" For Time 21-15-9 Power Clean 135/95 Ring Dips 6/4/15 WOD
1) "Helen" 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 21x KB Swings 53/35 12x Pull Ups 2) "Diane" For Time 21-15-9 Deadlifts 225/155 HSPU 6/3/15 WOD
1) Clean and Jerk 1RM 2) "Grace" For Time 30x Clean and Jerks 135/95 6/2/15 WOD
1) Snatch 1RM 2) "Isabel" 30x Snatches for Time 135/95 6/1/15 WOD
GIRLS WEEK!!! 1) Kipping Pull Up Technique/Practice 2) Thruster Technique/Practice 3) "Fran" For Time 21-15-9 Thrusters 95/65 Pull Ups "Sometimes in CrossFit you just need to come in warm up hit Fran and go home."-Pat Sherwood 5/29/15 WOD
1) Split Jerk 1RM then 3x1 @ 90% of the days best 2) 16 min EMOM Even: 3x Deadlift @ 80% Odd: 3x Bar Muscle Up 3) 3 Rounds for Time 500m Row 30 KB Swing 53/35 15 HSPU 5/28/15 WOD
1) Practice Handstand Walking for 10 min 2) Squat 5,3,1+ 3) Bench 5,3,1+ 4) 2 Rounds for Time 20 Burpees 10 Back Squats 225/155 5) For Time 21-15-9 Calorie Row Ring Dips 5/27/15 WOD
1) 3 Position Snatch + 1x OHS (work up to a max set for the day) 2) For Time 100 Dubs 25 Hang Squat Snatch 95/65 75 Dubs 20 Hang Squat Snatch 95/65 50 Dubs 15 Hang Squat Snatch 95/65 3) 3x200ft KB/DB Farmers Carries 5/26/15 WOD
1) 3 Position Power Clean + 1 Jerk work up to a max set for the day 2) 3 Rounds for Time 10x Box Jump Overs 30/24 10x Med Ball GHD Sit Ups 20/14 10x Clean and Jerk 155/105 5/19/15 WOD
1) Clean off Blocks 1RM 2) Clean Pulls 4x3 @ 105% 3a) Bench 3x3+ Joker Sets 2x3 3b) Band Pull Aparts 4x25 4) 16 min AMRAP 1 Round "Cindy" 5x Pull Ups 10x Push Ups 15x Air Squats 1 Round of "DT" 12x Deadlift 155/105 9x Hang Power Clean 155/105 6x Push Jerk 155/105 5/18/15 WOD
1) Snatch 1RM off Blocks 2) Snatch Pull 4x3 @ 105% 3a) Front Squat 3x6 3b) C2B Pull Ups 3x10 4) 8 min AMRAP Push Press 95/65 50 Dubs Penalty every time the bar is set down 4 min Rest 8 min AMRAP Hang Power Clean 155/105 30 Air Squats Every Time the bar is set down Your score is total number of Presses and Cleans 5/15/15 WOD
1) Push Jerk 1RM 2) Strict Press 3x5+ 75/80/85% Joker Sets 2x3-5 3) 5x1 Muscle Up + 3 Dips 4) 12min AMRAP 400m Run (once to start the workout) then 15x Clean and Jerk 135/95 100x Dubs 5/12/15 WOD
1) Clean off Blocks 1RM 2) Clean Pulls 4x3 @ 105% of best clean 3a) Bench 3x5+ @ 75/80/85% 3b) BPA 4x25 4a) Strict Dips 3x6-8 4b) Strict Chins 3x6-8 5) 3 Rounds for Time 8x Strict HSPU 7x Kipping HSPU 6x Hang Power Clean 205/145 5/11/15 WOD
1) Snatch off Blocks 1RM 2) Snatch Pull 4x3 @ 105% 3a) Front Squat 4x6 3b) 4x Pull Up Complex 5x Kipping Pull Ups + 4x C2B + 3x Strict Pull Ups 4) 3 Rounds for Time 12x Thrusters 135/95 12x Bar Facing Burpees 5/8/14 WOD
1) Push Jerk 2RM then 3x2 @ 80% of the days best 2a) Strict Press 5,3,1+ 75/85/95% Joker Sets 2x1 + 10% 2b) 5x3x T2B + 3x C2B + 3x Bar Muscle Up 3) 3 Rounds for Time 21x Wall Ball 20/14 18x Pull Ups 15x KB Swing 53/35 12x HSPU 5/7/15 WOD
1) Squat 5,3,1+ 2x1 2) OH Squat 5x1 3a) Bulgarian Split Squat 3x8 ea 3b) AB Wheel 3x12-15 4) For Time 21-15-9 Cal Row Deadlift 225/155 5/5/15 WOD
1) Clean from blocks 2RM 2a) Bench 5,3,1+ 2x1 2b) BPA 4x25 3) 4 Rounds for time 15x GHD Sit Up 15x Deficit Push Up (hands on bumper 25lbs plates) 400m Run 5/4/15 WOD
1) Snatch off Blocks 2RM 2a) Front Squat 4x8 2b) 4x5x Kippin Pull Ups + 4x C2B + 3x Strict Pull Ups 3) 3 Rounds for Time 50 ft Front Rack Walking Lunge 155/105 15 T2B 15 KB Swings 70/53 4/30/15 WOD
1) Squat 3x3+ 70/80/90% Joker Sets 2x3 2) OH Squat 5x3 (heavier than last week) 3a) Bulgarian Split Squat 3x8 ea 3b) MB V Up 3x12-15 4) 10 min AMRAP 15x Cal Row 10x HSPU 5x KB Swing 70/53 4/27/15 WOD
1) Snatch off Blocks 2RM 2a) Front Squat 4x10 2b) 5x 6x Kipping Pull Up + 5x C2B Pull Up + 4x Strict Pull Up 3) 3 Rounds for Time Parking Lot Run 15x GHD Sit Up 10x Deadlift 275/185 4/23/15 WOD
1) Handstand Walk 2) Squat 3x5+ 65/75/85% Joker Sets 2x5 3) OH Squat 5x5 4) For Time 21-15-9 HSPU OH Squat 95/65 5) 3x Prowler 90/50 + 15 GHD Sit Ups 6a) GHR 4x6-8 6b) L Sit Hold 4x30 sec 4/21/15 WOD
Huge Marietta Times article today on Piercing CrossFit and us moving to our new location! Pick One Up! 1) Clean off blocks 3RM 2a) Bench 3x5+ 65/75/85% Joker Sets 2x5 2b) BPA 4x25 3) 3 Rounds for Time 50 Dubs 15 T2B 15 Hang Power Clean 135/95 4/20/15 WOD
1) Snatch off Blocks 3RM 2a) Front Squat 4x10 2b) 4 Sets of the Pull Up Complex: 4x Kipping Pull Up 3x Chest To Bar 2x Strict Pull Up 3) 25-20-15 For Time Deadlift 155/105 Box Jump 24/20 Hands Release Push Up 4/16/15 WOD
1) HS Walk Practice 2) Squat 5,3,1+ 75/85/95% 2x1 3) Deadlift 5,3,1+ 75/85/95% 2x1 4) 10 min AMRAP 15x Back Squat (from floor, no rack) 135/95 15x T2B These next two are to be done on your own time after the workout 5a) GHR 4x6-8 5b) GHD Sit Up 4x12-15 4/15/15 WOD
1) "Fight Gone Bad!" 3x5 min Rounds 1 min Rest Between Rounds Continuously running clock between exercises. Your score is total number of reps completed over the whole three rounds. Wall Ball 20/14 SDLHP 75/55 Box Jump 20in for both men and women Push Press 75/55 Cal Row (Those of you who competed in the open can update your games profile because this is one of the benchmarks listed.) 4/14/15 WOD
1) Clean from blocks 3RM 2a) Bench 5,3,1+ 75/85/95% 2x1 2b) BPA 4x25 3) 3 Rounds for Time 15x Cal ROw 15x Clean and Jerk 115/75 4/13/15 WOD
1) Snatch from Blocks 3RM 2a) Squat 4x10 2b) 5x of Pull Up Complex 3x C2b 2x Kipping Pull Up 1x Strict *this will be modified to your ability level and if you have a bar muscle up that will be used also 3) 3 Rounds for time 400m Run 20x Power Snatch 75/55 4/10/15 WOD
1) Split Jerk Tech then work up to a heavy single 2) Strict Press 3x3+ Joker Sets 2x3 3a) Strict Ring Pull Ups 3x12 3b) Strict Ring Dips 3x12 4) 3 Rounds for Time 22 Cal Row 11 Push Jerks 135/95 4/9/15 WOD
1) HS Walk Practice 2) Squat 3x3+ @ 70/80/90% Joker Sets 2x3 3) Deadlift 3x3+ @ 70/80/90% Joker Sets 2x3 4) 3 Rounds for Time 400ft Prowler Push 90/50 75 Dubs 4/8/15 WOD
1) For Time 60x Box Jump Overs 24/20 50x Wall Ball 20/14 40x Sandbag Shoulder 75/50 30x OA Alt. DB Snatch 70/45 20x Turkish Get Ups 35/26 10x Rope Climbs 4/7/15 WOD
1) Max 3 Position Clean (Power Pos., Knee, Floor) (Yes these are full squat cleans so don't ask) 2a) Bench 3x3 @ 70/80/90% Joker Sets 2x3 2b) BPA 4x25 3a) Ring Push Ups 3x15 3b) Ring Rows 3x15 4) Hero WOD "DT" 5 Rounds for Time of 12x Deadlift 155/105 9x Hang Power Clean 155/105 6x Push Jerk 155/105 4/6/15 WOD
1) Max 3 Position Snatch (Power Position, Knee, Floor) (Yes these are full squat snatches so dont ask) 2a) Pause Front Squat 5x3 2b) Ring Dips 4x10 3) For Time 3 Rounds 14x Thrusters 95/65 7x Burpee Pull Ups then 50 GHD Sit Ups 50 Cal Row There is one total time for the met con, it is not two separately timed workouts. 4/2/15 WOD
Got Quite a few people with yesterday's April Fools WOD. I hope no one actually attempted it. 1) Handstand Walk Warm Up 2) Squat 3x5+ @ 65/75/85% Joker Sets 2x5 3) Deadlift 3x5+ 65/75/85% Joker Sets 2x5 4a) GHR 4x6-8 4b) GHD Sit Up 4x12-15 5) Prowler Races 4/1/15 WOD
1) For Time Marathon Row 42,195m For Time Upon completing the row "Heavy Fran" 21-15-9 Thruster 135/95 Chest to Bar Pull Ups Rest 5 min then "Murph" 1 mi Run 100 Pull Ups 200 Push Ups 300 Squats 1 mi Run If you have a weight vest wear it 3/31/15 WOD
1) 12 min EMOM Even: 3 Position Clean starting @ 60% Odd: 8 HSPU 2a) Bench 3x5+ @ 65/75/85% Joker Sets 2x5 2b) BPA/Scarecrows 4x15-20 3a) Strict Pull Ups 3x12 3b) Strict Dips 3x12 4) 5 Min AMRAP 3x Deadlift 275/185 7x Push Press 115/75 3/30/14 WOD
1) 14 min EMOM Even: 3 Position Snatch start at 60% Odd: 10 Target Burpees 2a) Pause Front Squats 4x3 2b) Ring Dips 4x10 3) 3 Rounds for Time 100 Dubs 25 KB Swings 53/35 20 Box Jump 24/20 15 Burpees Most Classes today will have people doing 15.5. If you haven't done it you have to do it. 3/27/15 WOD
1) "15.5" For Time 27-21-15-9 Calorie Row Thrusters 95/65 The Final party is tonight at 530! Bring friends and family interested in CrossFit! Lets have a big crowd and a great time! 3/25/15 WOD
1) Split Jerk Technique 2) Split Jerk 1RM 3) 5x5 @ 75-85% 4) 5 Rounds for time 50 Dubs 25 Push Press 75/55 3/24 /15 WOD
1) 3 Rounds for Time 30x Box Jump Overs 24/20 15x Power Snatch 115/75 2) 3 Rounds for Time 25 Pull Ups 25 GHD Sit Ups 25 Cal Row 3/23/15 WOD
1) Thruster Technique and skill work 2) Thruster 1RM then 5x5 @ 75-85% 3) 2 Rounds for Time 400m Run 30 Cal Row 20 Burpees over the Rower 3/20/15 WOD
15.4 8 min AMRAP HSPU Power Clean 185/125 3x HSPU + 3x Power Clean 6x HSPU + 3x Power Clean 9x HSPU + 3x Power Clean 12x HSPU + 6x Power Clean 15x HSPU + 6x Power Clean 18x HSPU + 6x Power Clean 21x HSPU + 9x Power Clean 24x HSPU + 9x Power Clean pattern repeats etc 3/19/15 WOD
1) 14 min EMOM Even: 3 Position Power Clean Odd: 8 Burpee Box Jump 24/20 2a) Pause OHS 5x3 2b) GHD Sit Up 5x12 3) 4 Rounds for Time 2x Rope Climb 6x Power Clean 185/125 12x Push Up 3/18/15 WOD
1) Bench 3RM 2a) Ring Pull Up 4x6-8 2b) Ring Dip 4x6-8 3a) Ring Row 4x6-8 3b) Ring Push Up 4x6-8 4) 4 Rounds for Time 200ft Prowler Push 90/50 10x Double KB Clean and Jerk 53/35 Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!
3/17/15 WOD 1) Hero WOD "The Seven" 7 Rounds for Time 7x HSPU 7x Thruster 135/95 7x Knees to Elbows 7x Deadlifts 245/165 7x Burpees 7x KB Swing 70/53 7x Pull Ups This is a hero workout for seven fallen CIA officers. It is tough and a longer workout. We will scale it to your ability level. 3/16/15 WOD
1) 14 min EMOM Even: 3 Position Snatch starting @ 60% Odd: 10x Target Burpees 2a) Pause Front Squat 5x3 2b) Ring Dips 5x10 3) 9 min AMRAP 15x Calorie Row 15x Thruster 95/65 3/13/15 WOD
1) 15.3!!! 14 min AMRAP 7x Muscle Ups 50x Wall Ball 20/14 100x Dubs 3/12/15 WOD
1) 14 min EMOM Even: 3 Position Clean Starting at 60% Odd: 8x Burpee Box Jump 24/20 2a) Pause OHS 4x3 2b) GHD Sit Up 4x12 3) 11 min AMRAP First 9 Min 15/12 Cal Row 50 Dubs at 9 min 2 min Max KB Swings 53/35 3/11/15 WOD
1a) Bench 3RM 1b) BPA 3x20 2a) Ring Push Ups 4x6-8 2b) Ring Row 4x6-8 3a) Ring Dip 4x6-8 3b) Ring Row 4x6-8 4) 21-15-9 Power Clean 135/95 HSPU 3/10/15 Hero WOD
"Bowen" 1) 3 Rounds For TIme 800m Run 7x Deadlift 275/185 10x Burpee Pull Ups 14x OA KB Thruster 53/35 20x Box Jumps 24/20 3/9/15 WOD
1) 14 Min EMOM Even: 3 Position Snatch starting at 60% Odd: 10 Target Burpees 2a) Pause Front Squat 4x3 2b) Ring Dips 4x10 3) 4 Rounds for TIme 20x Wall Ball 20/14 10x Hang Power Clean 155/105 3/6/15 WOD
"15.2!!!" 1) 3 min to complete 2 Rounds of 10x Overhead Squats 95/65 10x Chest to Bar Pull Ups 3-6 min to complete 2 rounds of 12x OH Squats 95/65 12x C2B Pull Ups 6-9 min 14x OH Squat 95/65 14x C2B Pull Up Pattern Continues as long as you are able to complete 2 rounds within 3 min. If you cannot you are out and your score is total number of reps completed. You must rest until the start of the next 3 min round if you complete 2 rounds. This is a higher level workout that some of you may not be able to get out of the first round. If you cannot make it out of the first round scaled or Rxd then we are going to simply record your score and then continue with a 15 min AMRAP of the two movements so you can get a good workout in. 3/4/15 WOD
1) Bench 3RM 2) 5 Rounds for Time 15x KB Swings 70/53 15x Burpees 3) 20-15-10-5 Calorie Row Wall Ball 20/14 3/3/15 WOD
1) For Time 75x Pull Ups 75x Push Ups 75x Front Squat 75/55 75x Hang Power Clean 75/55 75x Push Press 75/55 75x GHD Sit Up 75x Dubs 3/2/15 WOD
1) 14 min EMOM Even: 3 Position Clean (Floor, Hang, Power Pos.) Start at 60% and work up Odd: 10 Target Burpees 2a) Pause Front Squat 5x3 2b) Ring Dips 4x10 3) 3 Rounds for Time 400m Run 20x Box Jump 24/20 15x Knees to Elbows 3 Rope Climbs 2/27/15 WOD
15.1 15 min AMRAP (15.1) First 9 min AMRAP 15x T2b 10x Deadlift 115/75 5x Power Snatch 115/75 (15.1a) 6 Min to find a Max Clean and Jerk Everyone come tonight, watch, cheer on your friends, and compete! Make Sure To watch the movement standards below. 2/25/15 WOD
1) 2 min Max Cal Row 2) Team WOD For Time 50 GHD Sit Ups 50 Dubs 40 T2B 40 Pull Ups 30 Box Jump 24/20 30 Burpees 20 Power Clean/145/100 20 Jerks 145/100 10 Power Snatch 145/100 10 Muscle Ups Each Team Member must complete one rep on each exercise and only one team member working at a time. 2/24/15 Team WOD Tuesday!
1) Team WOD 2 Rounds For Time 30/22 Cal Row 20 Burpees Over the Rower 10 Squat Snatch 135/95 One Person does one whole round then the other. Time is when both team members complete two rounds 2) 16 min AMRAP 6 Hang Squat Cleans 155/105 8 Hands Release Push Ups 10 Box Jump 24/20 One Team member goes at a time. Score is rounds completed as a team. 2/23/15 WOD
1) EMOM as long as you can go 5x Thrusters 75/55 5x Pull Ups 5x Burpees 2) 20 min Every 2 min Begin a new Round 20x Air Squats 20/15x Cal Row 3) 5 Rounds for Time 12x Strict Ring Dips 12x Strict Pull Ups 2/20/15 WOD
1a) Pause Squat 7x3 1b) Pause Bench 7x3 2) 12 min AMRAP 1 min Squat Clean 135/95 1 min Push Jerk 135/95 2 min Squat Clean 2 min Push Jerk 3 min Squat Clean 3 min Push Jerk Your score is total reps completed on both exercises 2/19/15 WOD
1) HS Walk Practice 2) Every 1:30 for 6 min 5x Squat Snatch starting at 50% Increase weight each set 3) Every 2 min for 8 min 5x Full Clean and Jerk starting at 50% Increasing weight each set 4) 14.1 10 min EMOM 30 Dubs 15 Power Snatch 75/55 2/18/15 WOD
1) 12 min EMOM 1st min: 4x Turkish Get Up 35/26 2nd min: 8x HSPU 3rd min: 12 Wall Ball 20/14 Repeat 3 more times 2) 20 min AMRAP Stair Run with 20lbs weight vest or chain 15x KB Swings 53/35 1x Rope Climb 2/17/15 WOD
1) Push Press 3RM 2) Strict Ring Dips 4x6-8 3a) BB Chain Push Ups 3x max reps 3b) Ring/TRX Rows 3x max reps 4) 5 Rounds for Time 5x Wtd. Pull Ups 35/26 15x GHD Sit Ups 25x Cal Row 2/16/15 WOD
"Monster Mash!" 1) 5 min AMRAP 7x Thrusters 95/65 7x Pull Ups 2) 5 min AMRAP 5x Deadlift 225/155 5x HSPU 3) 5 min AMRAP 5x Power Clean 115/75 25 Dubs 4) 5 min AMRAP 10x Cal Row 5x Lateral Burpees Over the Rower 5) 5 min AMRAP 7x Box Jump 24/20 7x T2B 5 min Rest Between AMRAPs 2/13/15 WOD
1a) Pause Squat 6x3 1b) Pause Bench 6x3 2) For Time 100x Dubs 10x Power Snatch 135/95 80x Dubs 8x Power Snatch 135/95 60x Dubs 6x Power Snatch 135/95 40x Dubs 4x Power Snatch 135/95 20x Dubs 2x Power Snatch 135/95 2/12/15 WOD
1) Handstand Walk Practice 2) Every 1:30 for 6 min 5x Full Snatch starting at 50% of your 1RM 3) Every 2 min for 8 min 5x Full Clean and Jerk starting at 50% of your 1RM 4) For Time 30-20-10 Cal Row T2B Burpees 2/11/15 WOD
1) "Mary Meets Cindy" 20 min AMRAP 5x HSPU 10x Pistols 15x Pull Ups @ 10 min Mark 10 min AMRAP 5x Pull Ups 10x Push Ups 15x Air Squats 2/10/15 WOD
1) Push Press 3RM 2a) Strict Pull Ups 4x6-8 2b) Strict Ring Dips 4x6-8 3a) BB Push Ups 2xmax reps 3b) TRX/Ring Rows 2xmax reps 4) 10 min AMRAP 6x KB Swing 70/53 9x KB SDLHP 70/53 12x KB Step Up 70/53; 24/20in box 2/9/15 WOD
1) 5 min EMOM 5x Power Snatch starting @ 60% go up in weight each set 2) 1x Max Unbroken Touch n Go Power Snatch @ 80% of #1 3) 3 Rounds for Time 40 Air Squats 20 Hang Power Clean 115/75 4) For Time 15-12-9 Deadlift 225/155 Thruster 95/65 2/6/15 WOD
1) Thruster/Push Press/Push Jerk/Split Jerk 1RM 2a) Pause Bench 6x2 2b) Pause Back Squat 6x2 3) 21-15-9 Deadlift 255/165 Strict Knees To Elbows 2/5/15 WOD
1) Team Prowler Races 2) For Time 30-20-10 Box Jump 24/20 GHD Sit Up KB Swing 53/35 Look at all this fun we're gonna have today. Maybe we'll even play cornhole after. Who knows but you cant have fun or get better at home! 2/4/15 WOD
1) HS Walk 2) Every 1:30 for 6 min 5x Full Snatches starting @ 50% 3) Every 2 min for 8 min 5x Full Clean and Jerk starting at 50% 4) 10 min AMRAP 50 Dubs 40 T2B 30 Bar Facing Burpees 20 Clean and Jerks 155/105 2/3/15 WOD
1) Thruster 1RM 2) For Time 10x Rope Climb 20x Back Squat 225/155 30x HSPU 40x Cal Row 2/2/15 WOD
1) 5 min EMOM 5x Power Snatch starting @ 60% go up in weight each set Rest 2 Min 2) 1xMax Unbroken Touch n Go @ 80% of #1 3a) Snatch Balance + OHS 4x1+5 3b) 4xMax C2B 4) "Jackie" 1000m Row 50 Thrusters 45/35 30 Pull Ups 1/30/15 WOD
1) Thruster/Push Press/Push Jerk/Split Jerk 7x1 (each complex equals "one" rep, find a max with this complex) 2a) Pause Back Squat 5x2 2b) Pause Bench Press 5x2 3) 5 RFT 15x Bench 135/95 15x T2B 15x GHD Sit Up 1/27/15 WOD
1) Thruster 1RM 2) "Diane" For Time 21-15-9 Deadlift 225/155 HSPU 3) 3 Rounds for Time 10x Deadlift 275/185 50 Dubs 1/26/15 WOD
1) 7 min EMOM 5x Power Snatch starting @ 50% increase weight each set 2a) Ring Push Up 4x8 2b) Ring Row 4x8 2c) Max T2B 4x 3) 30-20-10 Box Jump 24/20 C2B Pull Up Shoulder to OH 115/75 1/23/15 WOD
1) Deadlift 1RM 2a) Pause Bench 5x2 2b) Pause Back Squat 5x2 3) 15 min AMRAP 15 Cal Row 10 Box Jump 30/24 5 Push Jerk 185/125 4) GHR 4x6-8 1/22/15 WOD
1) 14 min EMOM Even: 3x Unbroken Full Hang Clean. Starting at @ 60% of 1RM go up in weight each set. Odd: 8x Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 2) "11.5" 20 min AMRAP 5x Power Clean 145/100 10x T2B 15x Wall Ball 20/14 1) HS Walk/HSPU Practice
2) Every 1:30 for 6 min 5x Full Snatch Starting at 50% go up in weight each time 3) Every 2 min for 8 min 5x Full Clean and Jerk starting at 50% go up in weight each time 4) 3 Rounds for Time 50ft Axel Bar Front Rack Walking Lunge 155/105 20x HSPU 1/20/15 WOD
1) Kipping Pull Up Practice 2) Turkish Get Up Practice 3) 20 min AMRAP 20 Cal Row 10 Burpees Over the Bar 5 Thrusters 185/125 1/19/15 WOD
1) 7 min EMOM 5x Power Snatches starting @ 50% add weight each min 2a) 1x Snatch Balance + 2x OH Squats 4x3 2b) 4xMax T2B 3) 5 Rounds for Time 15x Wall Ball 20/14 15x Power Clean 95/65 1/16/14 WOD
1) OH Squat 1RM 2) Push Press 1RM 3) For Time 21 Power Snatch 95/65 21 KB Swing 53/35 21 Wall Ball 20/14 15 OH Squat 95/65 15 KB Swing 53/35 15 Wall Ball 20/14 9 Squat Snatch 95/65 9 KB Swing 53/35 9 Wall Ball 20/14 1/15/15
1) 4 Rounds for Time 400m Run 10 C2B Pull Ups 25 Dubs 2) 2 Rounds for Time 25 Cal Row 25 Deadlift 185/135 25 HSPU 1) Hang Clean 1RM
2) Split Jerk 1RM 3a) Bench 3RM 3b) 3x Max HSPU 4) 15 min AMRAP 30 Clean and Jerk 115/75 15 Box Jump 24/20 21 Clean and Jerk 135/95 15 Box Jump 24/20 15 Clean and Jerk 155/105 15 Box Jump 9 Clean and Jerk 185/125 15 Box Jump 24/20 If you complete the ladder in under 15 min you start over on the 30 CnJ @ 115/75 1/12/15 WOD
1) Snatch 1RM 2) For Time "Go Bucks!" 7 Muscle Ups 7 Power Snatch 135/95 9 Clean and Jerk 135/95 10 C2B Pull Ups 20 GHD Sit Ups 37 Burpees 79 Wall Ball 20/14 308 Dubs 1 Rope Climb The Numbers Represent Significant OSU Records 7 National Titles 7 Heisman Trophy Winners 9 NFL Hall of Famers 10 Undefeated Seasons 20 Bowl Wins 37 Conference Titles 79 All Americans 308 NFL Players 1 New Title 1/9/15 WOD
1) 14 min EMOM Even: OH Squat 2x85-90% Odd: Push Press 2x85-90% 2a) Pause Back Squat 7x2 2b) Pause Bench 7x2 3) 14 min AMRAP 18x KB Swing 70/53 15x Thruster 95/65 12x C2B Pull Ups 9x GHD Sit Up 6x Power Snatch 95/65 3x Muscle Up 1/7/15 WOD
1) Hang Clean 1RM 2) Split Jerk 1RM 3a) Bench 3RM 3b) Max HS Walk Between each set 4) 4 Rounds for Time 12x T2B 9x Shoulder to OH 115/75 then 100ft Walking Front Rack Lunge 115/75 1/6/15 WOD
1) Start at 0:00 21-15-9 Cal Row Deadlift 165/110 2) Start at 20:00 Cal Row Front Squat 165/110 3) Start at 40:00 Over the Bar Burpees Hang Power Clean 165/110 1/5/15 WOD
1) 7 min EMOM 5x Power Snatch Starting @ 50% of 1RM go up in weight each set 2a) 1x Snatch Balance + 2x OHS 4x3 2b) 4x Max Reps Unbroken T2B 3) 3 Rounds for Time 12x Bar Facing Burpees 9x Squat Clean 135/95 6x C2B Pull Ups 12/31/14 WOD
1) "Luke" For Time Run 400m 15x Clean and Jerk 155/105 Run 400m 30x T2B Run 400m 45x Wall Ball 20/14 Run 400m 45x KB Swing 70/53 Run 400m 30x Ring Dips Run 400m 15x Weighted Lunge 155/105 Run 400m 12/30/14 WOD
1) Hang Clean 1RM 2) Split Jerk 1RM 3a) Bench Press 3RM 3b) HS Walk as far as possible after each set 4) For Time 21-15-9 Deadlift 225/155 C2B Pull Ups 12/29/14 WOD
1) 7 min EMOM 5x Power Snatch Starting @ 50% Go up in weight each set 2a) 1x Snatch Balance + 2x OHS 4x3 2b) 4x Max Unbroken T2B 3) For Time 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Power Clean 95/65 Sit Up Back Extension 12/26/14 WOD
1) OH Squat 5x3 2) Push Press 5x3 3a) Pause Bench 5x3 3b) Pause Back Squat 5x3 4) 3 Rounds for Time 10x Clean and Jerks 145/100 Run 400m 12/23/14 WOD
1) Snatch 1RM 2) Front Squat 1RM 3) For Rounds and Reps Completed Ring Push Up Ladder Rest 5 min Body Weight Front Squat Ladder 12/22/14 WOD
1) Clean 1RM 2) For Time 1000m Row 100x MB Cleans 20/14 Rest 5 min 200x Dubs 100x Pull Ups MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM PIERCING CROSSFIT!
This Saturday Night!!! 2014 Bad Sweater Christmas Party! Sat. Dec. 20th 730pm Food, Rowling, Cornhole and a Prize for "best" Bad Sweater! BYOB after Party at the Galley with Coolio!!! and Please RSVP! Also because of the Party the night before there will be no Sunday the 21st 11am class. Rowling for those coming to the party that dont already know!
12/19/14 WOD
1) OH Squat 5x5 @ 75-85% 2) 2 Rounds for Reps of: 2 min Max Cal Row 1 min Rest 2 min Max T2B 1 min Rest 2 min Max Rope Climb 1 min Rest 2 min Max Burpee Box Jump 24/20 1 min Rest 3) GHD Sit Up/GHR/ Back Ex. 4x12-15 ea 12/18/14 WOD
1) 10 min EMOM Even: 5x Heavy Push Press from rack (go up in weight each set) Odd: 30 secs max reps Kipping Pull Ups 2) Death by Ring Dip (1 rep 1st min 2 reps 2nd min 3 reps 3rd min etc. Your goal is to go as many minutes as you can. Your score is number of rounds completed + reps in the round you dont make it out of) Rest 5 min 3) Death by Hang Power Clean @ 3/4 Body Weight 12/17/14 WOD
1) For Time 80 Wall Balls 40 HSPU 20 Deadlift 365/255 2) 21-15-9 C2B Pull Ups KB Swing 70/53 Squats Holding KB 12/16/14 WOD
1) Snatch 1RM 2) Front Squat 1RM 3) 12-9-6-3 Power Snatch 155/105 2 L-Sit Rope Climbs after each set 12/15/14 WOD
1) Squat Clean 1RM 2) 3 Rounds for Time of 5x Bench Press 225/155 5x Muscle Up 3) 12 min AMRAP 1 min Squat Clean 135/95 1 min Push Jerk 135/95 2 min Squat Clean 135/95 2 min Push Jerk 135/95 3 min Squat Clean 135/95 3 min Push Jerk 135/95 12/12/14 WOD
1) Power Snatch 1RM 2) Power Clean + Push Jerk 1RM 3) For Time 10 Clean and Jerks 205/145 10 Rounds of "Cindy" (Cindy is 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Sit Ups) 10 Clean and Jerks 205/145 12/11/14 WOD
1) 16 min EMOM 1st min: 15/12 Cal Row 2nd min: 12 KB Snatches 53/35 3rd min: 8 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20 4th min: 10-15-20-25 DB Push Press 45/35 (go up 5 reps each round) 4 Total Rounds of all 4 exercises 2a) Pause Front Squat 7x2 2b) Pause Bench 7x2 3) 10 min AMRAP 30 Ft HS Walk 30 Switch Jumps 30 KB Swings 53/35 12/10/14 WOD
1) Skills Practice 2) 15 min AMRAP 5x Deadlift 315/225 10x Hands Release Push Up 1x50ft Sprint Add 2-4-6-8 etc Man Makers 45/35 ea round 3a) Strict Pull Ups 4xmax reps 3b) GHD Sit Up 4x15 4a) GHR/Back Extension 4x8 4b) Band Pull Apart 4x25 12/9/14 WOD
1) Snatch High Pull from Floor + Full Snatch from Power Position 1RM (no more than five heavy attempts) 2) Hang Clean from Power Position + Front Squat + Jerk 1RM (no more than 5 heavy attempts) 3) Squat 3RM 4) "11.4" Open Workout 10 min AMRAP 60 Bar Facing Burpees 20 OH Squats 120/90 10 Muscle Ups 12/8/14 WOD
1) Snatch from blocks 5x1 work up to a max single no more than 5 attempts at heavy weight 2) Clean and Jerk from blocks 5x1 work up to a max single no more than 5 attempts at heavy weight 3) 11.3 5 min AMRAP Squat Clean 165/110 Jerk 165/110 4) 11.1 10 min AMRAP 30 Dubs 15 Power Snatches 75/55 12/5/14 WOD
1) Power Snatch 1RM 2) Power Clean + Push Jerk 1RM 3a) Three Stop Snatch Pulls 5x2 3b) Strict Pull Ups 5x5 + Max reps C2B 4) "Randy" For Time 75x Power Snatch 75/55 12/4/14 WOD
1) 5 min EMOM 2x Touch n Go Power Snatches @ 80% Go Up in Weight each set 2) 5 min EMOM 2x Touch n Go Power Clean @ 75% Go Up in Weight each set 3a) Pause Squat 7x2 3b) Pause Bench 7x2 4) "Habanero" 16 min AMRAP 1min Work 1min Rest 8x Deadlift 135/95 6x Hang Power Clean 135/95 4x Front Squat 135/95 2x Shoulder to Overhead 135/95 Max Reps Burpees (Your score on the workout is burpees completed before the minute is up) 12/3/14 WOD
1) For Time Row 1000m 30x Dips 30x SDLHP 75/55 30x HSPU 30x Power Snatch 75/55 30x Burpees 30x Pull Ups 30x Thruster 75/55 12/2/14 WOD
1) Snatch High Pull from Floor + Full Hang Snatch from the power position 5x1RM (no more than 5 attempts at a max weight once it gets heavy) 2) Full Hang Clean from the power position + Front Squat + Jerk 5x1RM (no more than 5 attempts at a max weight once it gets heavy) 3) Full Clean from floor @ 80% 3xmax reps 4) Squat 4x3RM (no more than 4 sets once the weight gets heavy) 5a) Paused Clean Pulls 5x2 (3 second pause at the knee) 5b) Push Press + Hold 5x2 (3 Second pause at the top) 6) 7 min AMRAP Burpees GHD and Back Extensions after the workout on your own 12/1/14 WOD
1) Snatch off Blocks work up to a max single 5x1 2) Clean off Blocks work up to a max single 5x1 3) Snatch from the floor @ 80% 3xmaxreps 4) Bench 3RM 5) 15 min AMRAP Team WOD 20/15 Cal Row 1 Round of "Cindy" (Cindy is: 5x Pull Ups 10x Push Ups 15x Air Squats) 11/28/14 WOD
1) Power Snatch 5x1 work to a max single for the day 2) Power Clean + Push Jerk 5x1 work to a max single for the day 3a) 3 Stop Snatch Pull 5x2 3b) Strict Pull Up 5x5 + Max C2B (stay on the bar after the strict reps) 4) 4 Rounds for Time 36 Cal Row 9 Push Jerks 185/125 11/26/14 WOD
1) Skills Practice 2) 3 Rounds for Time 5x DB Hang Curtis P. 35/25 10x Renegade Row 35/25 20x HSPU 40x Goblet Squat 70/53 60x Russian KB Swing 70/53 300m Run 11/25/14 WOD
1) Clean off Blocks 1RM 2) Clean Complex as heavy as possible: Hang Clean from the Power Position + Front Squat + Jerk 3) 3xmax Cleans from floor @ 80% 4) Squat 4x3RM 5) 10 min AMRAP 3x Ground to Overhead 115/75 6x Push Ups 9x T2B GHD and Back Extension performed as extras after the WOD 11/24/14 WOD
1) Snatch off Blocks 1RM 2) 3xMax Reps Snatch from the floor @ 80% 3) Bench 4x3RM 4a) 4x Max Reps Pull Ups 4b) Ring Dip 4x5 + Max Reps Kipping 4c) Band Pull Aparts 4x25 5) 3 min AMRAP 40x Dubs 4x Clean and Jerk 155/105 3 min Rest 3 min AMRAP 7x Hang Power Snatch 14x Air Squats 3 min Rest 3 min AMRAP 14/10x Row Calories 7 Burpees over the Rower A huge thank you to Linda Short for the tickets to Saturday's game between the Buckeyes and Indiana!
No Classes tomorrow Saturday Nov 22nd 11/21/14 WOD 1) Power Snatch 4x3 @ 80% 2) Power Clean 4x3 @ 80% 3) 3 Stop Snatch Pulls 4x3 4) Max Pull Ups 4x 5) For Time Run 400m Fran 75/55 Run 400m Fran 75/55 Run 400m 11/20/14 WOD
1) Push Jerk 4x3 @75% 2a) Paused Front Squats 5x3 @ 80% 2b) Paused Bench Press 5x3 @ 75% 3a) Strict Pull Ups 4x max reps 3b) Band Pull Aparts 4x20-25 4) Team WOD 5 Rounds for Time 20 Cal Row 20 KB Swing 70/53 11/19/14 WOD
1) "Open Ready" 20 min AMRAP 50x Wall Ball 20/14 50x Dubs 40x Box Jump 24/20 40x T2B 30x Chest To Bar Pull Ups 30x Burpees 20x Power Clean 145/100 20x Push Jerk 145/100 10x Power Snatch 145/100 10x Muscle Up Athletes will complete all the work but at the 20 min mark we will note the work completed in order to gauge your preparedness for the 2015 Open. Big shout out to our man Logan Cox! Led his team in interceptions this season. Logan set PRs in all his lifts this summer and improved his conditioning dramtically with CrossFit modified for football.
Football player looking to take your game to the next level, winter strength and conditioning is starting up! Contact me for details. 11/18/14 WOD 1) Clean from Blocks 5x1 @ 80% 2) Hang Squat Clean 3x3 @ 80% 3) Squat 4x5@ 75% 4) 3 Rounds for Time 15x OH Squat 135/95 20x T2B 2x Rope Climb 11/17/14 WOD
1) Snatch from Blocks 5x1 @ 80% 2) Hang Squat Snatch 3x3 @ 80% 3) Bench 4x5@75% 4a) Max Strict Pull Ups 4x 4b) Ring Dips 4x10 5) 3 Rounds for Time 100 Dubs 20 Power Snatch 95/65 11/14/14 WOD
1) Power Snatch 3RM 2) Power Clean 3RM 3) 3 Stop Snatch Pull 4x3 4) Max Pull Ups 4x 5) For Time 21-15-9 Power Clean 185/125 Strict Ring Dips 11/13/14 WOD
1) Push Jerk 4x3 2) Push Jerk max Reps Touch n Go @ 100% 3a) Paused Front Squat 5x3 3b) Tempo Bench 5x3 4) 4x Max Pull Ups 5) For Time 21-15-9 SDLHP 95/65 42-30-18 T2B 11/11/14 WOD
1) Clean from Blocks 5x1 up to a max single 2) Hang Clean 3x3 (heavy as possible) 3) Max Touch n Go Reps @ 100% of #2 4) Squat 5RM 5) 14 min AMRAP 10x HSPU 10x Alt. OA DB Snatch 75/50 200ft DB Farmers Carry 75/50 11/10/14 WOD
1) Snatch from blocks 5x1 up to a max single 2) Hang Squat Snatch 3x3 3) Max Touch n Go Reps at 100% of #2 4) Bench 5RM 5a) Strict Pull Ups 4xmax then 1 less rep each following set 5b) Ring Dips 4x10 6) 3 Rounds for Time 30x Wall Ball 20/14 15x Power Clean 135/95 11/7/14 WOD
1) Power Snatch 3RM 2) Power Clean 3RM 3) 3 Stop Snatch Pulls 4x3 4) 3 Rounds for Time 25 GHD Sit Ups 75 Dubs 50ft Front Rack Walking Lunge 135/95 11/6/14 WOD
1) Split Jerk 5x1 up to a max single 2) Push Jerk 4x3 3) Push Jerk 1xMax Touch n Go @ 95% of #2 4) Strict Pull Ups 3xmax reps 5) For Time 21-15-9 Bench Press Male:Body Weight Female: 3/4 Body Weight Row 500m after each set 11/5/14 WOD
1) 8 min AMRAP 3x Muscle Up 6x Back Squat (No Rack) 135/95 9x KB Swing 53/35 2) 8 min AMRAP 5x Push Press 95/65 5x Pull Ups 5x Box Jumps 24/20 3) 8 min AMRAP 3x Deadlift 185/125 6x Push Up 9x GHD Sit Up "Remember, remember the 5th of November the gunpowder treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot." 11/4/14 WOD
1) Not telling you what this is but we're doing the met con first for variance 2) Clean off Blocks 5x1 up to a max for the day 3) Hang Clean (Full) 3x3 4) 1x Max Touch n Go Reps @95% of #3 5) Squat 5RM 11/3/14 WOD
1) Snatch from Blocks 5x1 work up to a max single for the day 2) Hang Snatch (Full) 3x3 3) 1xMax Touch n Go Reps @ 95% of #2 4) Bench 5RM 5) Ring Dips 4x10 6) 5 Rounds for Time 9x Deadlift 135/95 6x Hang Power Snatch 135/95 3x OH Squat 135/95 10/31/14 WOD
1) Power Snatch 3RM 2) Power Clean 3RM 3) 15 min AMRAP 5x KB Clean and Jerk 70/53 50ft Sandbag Lunge 50/35 10x Pull Ups Run Back with Sandbag 730pm Tonight! Halloween Party at the Gym! Cornhole Tournament! Beer Grace! Rowling Tournament! After party at the Adelphia! BYOB! Tons of Food! Can't wait to see everyone there! 10/30/14 WOD
1) Split Jerk 7x1 up to a heavy single 2) Push Jerk 3x3 3) 1xMax Reps Touch n Go Push Jerk @ 90% of #2 4) 3xmax Reps Pull Ups 5) 12 min AMRAP 100ft Prowler Push 90/50 15x HSPU 10/29/14 WOD
1) Handstand Walk Practice 2) For Time 30x Box Jump 30/24 30x C2B Pull Up 30x KB Swing 70/53 30x Walking Lunge 95/65 30x KTE 30x Push Press 95/65 30x Back Extension 25/15 30x Wall Ball to an 11ft(men)/10ft(women) target 20/14 30x Burpees 30x Triple Unders 10/28/14 WOD
1) Clean from Blocks 7x1 up to a max single 2) Hang Clean 3x3 up to a max triple 3) Max Touch n Go Clean @ 90% of #2 4) Squat 5RM 5) For Time 21-15-9 Push Jerk 155/105 T2B 10/27/14 WOD
1) Snatch from Blocks 7x1 up to a max single 2) Hang Snatch 3x3 (heavy) 3) Max Touch n Go Snatch @ 90% of #2 4) Bench 5RM 5) Ring Dips 4x8 6) 12-9-6-3 Burpee Box Jump 24/20 Squat Clean 135/95 10/24/14 WOD
1) "Fran" For Time 21-15-9 Thruster 95/65 Pull Ups 2) "Annie" For Time 50-40-30-20-10 Dubs Sit Ups |
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